Title: 兩階段H∞干擾觀測器與控制器設計
Cascade Design of H∞ Disturbance Observer and Controller
Authors: 高志豪
Kao, Chih-Hao
Lee, An-Chen
Keywords: 干擾觀測器;H-infinity;滾珠導螺桿平台;disturbance observer;H-infinity;ball screw
Issue Date: 2014
Abstract: 本論文提出一系統化的設計方法,將干擾觀測器與外迴路控制器的設計問題整合成兩個標準靈敏度問題。此方法能使內迴路干擾觀測器在系統穩定之下擁有最大的頻寬、並有效的消除干擾以及降低系統不確定性的影響;在外迴路控制性能也可根據規格設計而達到所需的追蹤性能。此外,考慮一導螺桿平台系統並以單質量與雙質量彈簧系統為數學模型進行推導,再以前述設計方法得到一組最佳之干擾觀測器與外迴路控制器,以模擬與實驗確認設計結果、比較單質量與雙質量的差異,此設計方法確實能有效消除干擾與達到所需的控制規格。
The thesis proposes a design method, transforming the design disturbance observer (DOB) and outer loop controller problems into two mixed sensitivity problems. By using this method, one gets a disturbance observer with maximum bandwidth under robust condition, eliminating input disturbance and lowing plant uncertainty. In addition, one applies the approach to a ball screw system with single-mass and two-mass spring models. To test the design result, use MATLAB/simulink to simulate the design parameter and to run experiments after getting a set of DOB and controller. To conclude, the DOB and controller by this design procedure eliminates disturbance more effectively and keeps tracking performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis