標題: 在知識建構與分享環境中發展概念覺察
Developing Conceptual Awareness in a Knowledge Construction and Sharing Environment
作者: 高宜敏
Gloria Yi-Ming Kao
Chuen-Tsai Sun
Sunny S. J. Lin
關鍵字: 自我覺察;概念覺察;概念圖;創意知識工程;創造力;數位學習;Self-awareness;Conceptual awareness;Concept map;Creative knowledge engineering;Creativity;e-learning
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 本論文擬利用資訊科技發展出輔助使用者進行概念覺察的知識建構與分享環境。從一開始的前導性實驗「資訊分享與搜尋」,我認為透過網路傳遞與分享的這些大量資料需要進一步被有效利用,以避免學習者消極的接收資訊而導致學習效果不佳,因此我接著提出「知識主動建構學習」和「創意思考潛能提升」的後續研究。在這一系列的數位學習系統環境中,運用搜尋引擎、概念圖工具與相關資訊技術,我希望以認知與情意的學習理論為基礎,設計出人機介面支援使用者對學習歷程中不同面向的自我覺察,尤其是希望能幫助使用者發展概念覺察,以深化學習效果或提升使用者的創意思考潛能,我將之稱為「創意知識工程」。以下採分點方式條列出各個研究主題。 1. 個人化資訊分享與搜尋: 目前網路上放置著大量群眾分享的資料,因此本論文的前導性實驗關注如何以「搜尋技術」精確的找到對個人具有參考價值的內容。有別於以資料探勘的方式,分析歸納出使用者的搜尋行為模式,我以社會科學的角度出發,嘗試找出影響網路搜尋行為的重要使用者個人因素。 2. 知識主動建構學習:創意知識工程的第二步提出網路知識分享的五層次策略與系統:單向分享、分享並推送通知、分享並給予回饋、分享並雙向互動、以及分享並主動建構學習。我認為網路學習環境除了提供分享的機制之外,並需能提供使用者主動建構或整合知識的活動,以幫助深化學習。 3. 創意思考潛能提升:創意知識工程的第三步希望能突破舊知識的巢臼,支援使用者對概念侷限或概念之間遠端連結的覺察,並探討學生在系統中因自我覺察所能產生的知識架構之改變,以發展使用者的創意潛能。 本研究的實驗對象包括國小學生與大學生。研究結果顯示:1.幫助使用者覺察資訊分享與搜尋歷程,以便根據使用者的認知與情意心理特徵,設計出更精準的搜尋人機介面,更有效幫助知識的取得。2.幫助使用者覺察,當使用網路觀看他人作品,或是與他人分享知識或經驗時,需要進行知識主動解構、建構與再累積,才能藉由站在巨人或眾人的肩膀上,有效將知識內化。3.輔助學生藉由觀摩、比較同儕的概念圖,覺察並打破自我概念的侷限,以避免單方面思考所可能造成的盲點,進而產生知識架構之改變與提升創意潛能。
The goal of this dissertation is to develop a series of Internet-based knowledge construction and sharing environments that facilitate user awareness capabilities, especially in terms of conceptual awareness. The dissertation includes a pilot study that focuses on information sharing and search behavior. It is my contention that information shared via the Internet requires further utilization to benefit learners. I therefore designed and executed two studies on active knowledge construction and creative thinking potential enhancement. To construct these human-computer interaction environments I used a combination of information technology and educational theory to assist users in regulating their efforts to benefit from information retrieval or learning processes. In this dissertation I also propose a creative knowledge engineering model to use as a foundation for research. A guiding goal throughout this dissertation is enhancing users’ self-awareness for the purpose of reducing or eliminating the restrictive effects of habitual thinking on learning outcome and/or creative potential. Results from experiments involving freshman undergraduates or elementary school students indicate that the activities are practical for (a) identifying the search intention prediction factor to facilitate information sharing and searches, (b) encouraging active knowledge integration via a “beyond sharing” design through which students are motivated to incorporate valuable shared information into cognitive structures and to elaborate on their knowledge for deeper understanding, and (c) improving conceptual awareness so as to break conceptual boundaries and encourage creative potential via the introspective and comparative features of integrated concept maps. It is my hope that future researchers will be able to extend creative knowledge engineering applications for various purposes and to elaborate on underlying theories and design principles to fully understand the benefits of creative knowledge engineering.
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