標題: 微波光電與光電封裝於多功能光擷取網路的研究
Enabling Technologies of Microwave Photonics and Optoelectronics Package in Optical Multi-Service Access Network
作者: 林俊廷
Chun-Ting Lin
Sien Chi
Bi-Shiou Chiou
關鍵字: 光纖無線通訊;光擷取網路;光電封裝;微波光學;Radio over Fiber;Optical Access Network;Optoelectronics Package;Microwave Phtonoics
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本論文的主旨在微波光學與光電封裝於能同時提供影像、聲音、及訊號的多功能光擷取網路之研究。在微波光學於光擷取網路的應用研究部分,我們理論分析Mach-Zehnder光調變器非線性對微波訊號失真的影響,以及分析因製造誤差產生非理想Mach-Zehnder光調變器造成微波訊號的損害,並求出最佳化Mach-Zehnder光調變器的調變條件,利用此理論結果應用在多功能光擷取網路中,提出同時傳輸及產生微波與基頻訊號的微波光電系統,與整合無線通訊及有線通訊的多功能光擷取網路系統。在光電封裝於光擷取網路的應用研究部分,我們研究粉末冶金在光訊號傳輸與接收模組之封裝技術,粉末冶金的雷射焊接缺陷機制、焊後位移、追縱誤差、及可靠度測試將於此研究一併討論。這些應用的原理與架構已詳盡的分析與實驗驗證,上述的成果預期將有助於多功能光擷取網路的發展。
This dissertation investigates the applications of microwave photonics and optoelectronics package in last-mile multi-service access networks offering video, voice, and data to customers simultaneously. For the content about microwave photonics applications, the impact of both the Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) nonlinearity and the imperfect MZM with finite extinction ratios on millimeter-wave signals (mm-wave) will be theoretically analyzed and experimentally investigated. Optimal conditions for RF signal generations using imperfect MZMs based on double-sideband with optical carrier suppression (DSBCS) modulation are also discussed. Based on the optimal condition, the optical-wireless network offering both wireless and wired-line access approaches and the hybrid access network integrating radio over fiber (RoF) and fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) systems are proposed and investigated. For the content related to applications of optoelectronics packages for bidirectional or triple-directional FTTH systems providing triple-play services, power metallurgy (PM) is proposed as a cost-effective method of fabricating metal parts for optoelectronic modules. The weldability of PM stainless steel is investigated, including welding defect mechanism, post-welding-shift, tracking error, and reliability test. These investigations and demonstrations will be useful in the future optical multi-service access networks.


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