Title: 情緒與情緒感染對消費者決策的影響
The Effects of Mood and Emotional Contagion On Consumer Decision-Making
Authors: 李芷茵
Chih-Yin Lee
Dr. Charles V. Trappey
Dr. Chia-Chi Chang
Keywords: 情緒;情緒感染;消費者行為;購買意願;Emotions;Mood;Emotional Contagion;Purchase Intention
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 消費者隨時都需要做出決定及判斷。有很多因素會影響到他們的決策,其中情緒占了一個很重要的角色。不只是情緒,情緒感染也是一個很重要因素。決策有的時後會直接的受到情緒的影響,有的時後也會間接的隨著情緒感染效果產生改變。因為消費者不但在做決策的過程中,會產生各式各樣的情緒,甚至於在和銷售人員的互動中,也會受到銷售人員情緒的影響,因此了解這兩項變數的效果是非常重要的。 本論文使用實驗設計的方式,來討論情緒與情緒感染對於消費者決策的影響,並更進一步的比較了在所設計的情境之下,兩個變數下購買意願和情緒強度的大小。所有的受試者被分配到兩個實驗,三種不同的情境之下(藉由正面、負面、中性的刺激,引導出三種不同的情緒),共有六個小組。在第一個實驗中,我先個別的探討情緒對消費者決策的影響,接下來,在實驗二中,討論情緒感染的效果。最後,我比較兩者六組的效果大小。在比較購買意願時,不論是在情緒或情緒感染兩個實驗中,正面的刺激情緒下會造成較高的購買意願。各別比較時,正面刺激下,情緒效果高過情緒感染,但在負面及中性的刺激下就沒有顯著差異。而在比較情緒強度中,情緒的效果大過於情緒感染,是值得進一步探討的地方。
Consumers are constantly making judgments and decisions. There are many factors affecting their decisions. Above all, emotions play an important role. Mood and emotional contagion matter. Sometimes mood have direct influence, and sometimes are influenced by emotional contagion. Understanding the mood and emotional contagion of consumers is very important because the consumer makes decisions with bringing of variety emotions and influenced by the interaction cause by salesperson. Emotions play the very important role on shopping process. No studies have ever tried to compare with which one has stronger effect toward consumer’s decision. I use an experiment to test the relation between mood and emotional contagion on consumer’s decision. All subjects are assigned to three kinds of groups, which are positive, neutral, and negative groups. There are total six groups in this study. In the experiment 1, I discuss the mood individually. In the experiment 2, I explore the emotional contagion. Finally, I compare the purchase intention of each group. The result is that in the same condition, which is meant that when subjects are induced in the positive emotional state or neutral emotion state or negative emotion. I can’t distinguish any significant difference mood effect and emotional contagion, for the negative groups (group3 and group6). But the emotion intensity of each groups, it is showed that mood has stronger influence than emotional contagion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis