標題: 軌道運輸及區域性客運系統轉乘聯營期望服務之研究-以台中、日月潭風景區路段為例
The Expectation Study of Feeder Service between Railways and Local Bus Systems — Case of Transferring from Taichung Station to Sun-Moon Lake Scenery
作者: 林致源
Dr. Long-Sien Chang
Dr. Shoei-Uei Wu
關鍵字: 旅客之複合運送需求;大眾運輸服務品質構面;期望服務;Passenger Intermodal Transportation;Service Quality of Public Transportation;Expectation Service
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 台鐵觀光列車與寶島巴士之結合,可能衍生台灣旅客之鐵路與地區公車複合運輸之需求,提供旅客新式的複合運輸服務,對於雙方的業績都有助益。日月潭是馳名國際之旅遊景點,亦是行政院提出之「觀光客倍增計劃」中,套裝旅遊線上各項設施改善與環境整備重點工作之一。現今觀光旅運業的蓬勃發展、顧客關懷的概念,更是帶動運輸服務提供模式改變的一大因素。本研究著眼於台灣地區尚未成熟的軌道運輸與區域性公車轉乘聯營之議題;以大眾運輸服務品質相關文獻為基礎,採用PZB於1985年所提出的服務品質概念模式,預先找出「運輸需求者對轉乘系統的期望服務」與「運輸供給者對旅客期望知覺」之間的差異,設計軌道運輸與區域性公車之轉乘聯營系統期望服務相關量表;藉由問卷調查及旅客使用意願與期望服務品質各構面之相關分析,並提出將來轉乘聯營系統「服務品質」構面的控制準據。並依現有相關之觀光旅運系統服務流程,研擬出本聯營系統各服務項目,藉由供需雙方之意見調查,以作為建構未來台灣地區軌道運輸與區域公車聯營雛型議題依據。除了從回收樣本整理結果支持研究之假設立意外,對未來台灣地區旅客複合運輸之發展亦有前瞻性之參考價值。
The need of passenger intermodal transportation in Taiwan Area comes from the connection between rails and bus, and it is the first time that Taiwan Railway cooperates with private sector to provide passengers new style transportation service. It is good for each party for operation. Sun-Moon-Lake is a world-famous tour scenery. It is also one key work of package tour at facilities and environmental preparation for tourist double project provided by The Executive Yuan. Nowadays transport for tourism developing fast and the sense of customer-cared are one of the main reasons that transportation service changes a lot. The study focus in the topic of feeder service between railways and local bus systems in Taiwan Area;On the basis of relative reference for public transportation service quality, and applied conceptual modal of service quality to find the gaps between passengers and transportation managements for expectation service between railways and local bus systems. Design the relative scale, and use it to investigate passengers’ expectations, according to the relative analysis between their usage volition and expectation service to produce the control criteria of service quality the hereafter. To compare existing relative service processes of the present transport system for tourism of service items. As well to investigate users’ and providers’ comments. This can be taken as a basis to set up the model of the system in the future. I n addition to the data retrieved support the supposition of the study, it can also be taken as an advanced reference for the development of Passenger Intermodal Transportation in Taiwan Area.


  1. 252301.pdf

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