標題: | 應用資料包絡法於大學教師之績效評比 Evaluation Performance of College Teachers Using Data Envelopment Analysis |
作者: | 黃建忠 Chian-Chung Huang 唐麗英 Lee-Ing Tong 工業工程與管理學系 |
關鍵字: | 教師績效評鑑;資料包絡法;差額分析;Evaluation Performance of College Teachers;Data Envelopment Analysis;Slack Variable Analysis |
公開日期: | 2004 |
摘要: | 國內大學一直缺乏一套教師績效獎勵制度,究其原因,除了經費來源的問題外,欠缺一套公正且有效的績效評量方法亦是另一個主因。教育部自93學年度起開始實施學術研究費分級制,以及建立大學進退場機制,因此要求各大學院校建立教師評量制度,並至少三年辦理一次,評鑑的結果將會直接影響到教師的權益。現有中外文獻所提之教師評量方法僅只衡量教師的產出表現,且各評量指標所用之權重皆由評量者主觀認定,使得評量結果有失公允。因此,為使大學教師之評量方法確實能公正合理的評比出教師之績效,本研究同時考慮教師於教學、研究與服務方面的投入及產出表現,利用問卷調查的方式蒐集大學教師對教師績效評量之項目及重要性的意見,分析出教師在教學、研究與服務等方面應包含之項目及各項目之權重,然後使用資料包絡法(Data Analysis Envelopment,DEA)對教師進行績效評量,並對沒有效率的教師個人提出改善方向。本研究最後利用虛擬之教師資料進行本研究方法之有效性評估,結果證明本研究所提之教師評量方法確實公平有效。 Most of universities in Taiwan lack of an effective evaluation system to assess teacher’s performance. Reasons for this are: insufficient education budgets form government and short of a fair and efficient performance evaluation system. The Ministry of Education starts to requires each university to establish an system to evaluate teacher’s performance. The evaluation should be done at least once every three years. The results of the evaluations directly affects teachers’ rights. The existing teachers’ evaluation methods only assess teacher’s output performance, and the weights of performance indices are subjectively determinated. In order to have a fair and clausable evaluation method, this study simultaneously consider teachers’ input resources and output performance in teaching, research, and service aspectly. Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is then employed to evaluate the performances of teachers, and improvement suggestions to unefficient teachers are also provided. This study finally uses fictitious data to indicates the effectives of the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method is fairer and more efficient than the existing evaluation methods. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/77117 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |