Title: RFID標籤再利用機制
Reuse Mechanisms for RFID Tag
Authors: 李明諺
Ming-Yan Lee
Chi-Chun Lo
Keywords: 無線射頻辨識系統;標籤;再利用;隱私;RFID;RFID Tag;Reuse;Privacy
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract:   無線射頻辨識系統(Radio Frequency Identification, RFID)的應用相當廣泛,因此目前被視為取代條碼的解決方案,也使RFID列為二十一世紀十大重要技術之一,但RFID本身的特徵和無線特性,讓人開始重視它衍生出的安全性和隱私問題。至Wal-Mart進行“智慧貨架”的測試,隠私權團體提出質疑,擔心零售商或製造商能在消費者採購完畢後仍能追踪產品的去向,進一步成為有心人士的監視工具。雖然目前有標籤銷毀(Kill)或休眠(Sleep)作為因應之道,卻仍存在諸多問題。因此如何使標籤重複使用時能確保隱私,即為本論文研究的重心。   探討目前對於RFID標籤利用與隱私問題的爭議,主要是標籤在重複使用時,使用者擔心自己的資訊遭到他人竊取,但若標籤不重複使用,就使得RFID失去原有的優勢。目前針對此問題的解決方法,除了前面提到的銷毀或休眠方式之外,幾乎沒有直接相關的研究,所以本論文從演算方向著手,提出RFID標籤再利用機制,讓標籤在被重複使用時也提供隱私保護,以消除使用者的疑慮。本論文提出二種機制,機制一適用於運算時間較短以及標籤成本較低的情況,而機制二在攻擊者已知金鑰時能提供更高的安全性,但也需要更長的運算時間。二種機制各有長處,並沒有絕對的優劣,實際上應該根據所考量的因素來決定使用何種機制。
There are many applications with Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and it is the solution to replace the barcode. Because of the features of RFID, many people emphasis the issues about security and privacy. After Wal-Mart proceed “Smart-Sheft” testing, Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering (CASPIAN) worried that merchants or manufacturers were able to trace the product which had sold. Although the manufacturers of RFID chips announced that they would embed “Kill”or “Sleep”function in chips, there were other problems. Thus, how to make RFID Tag reuse and ensure privacy is the focus of this dissertation. After reviewing the issues about RFID Tag reuse and privacy, the main point is that RFID Tag keepers worry about leaking information. If no reuse of RFID Tag, that will make RFID lose edges. Thus, this dissertation purposes two mechanisms of RFID Tag reuse that make Tag be reused and provide privacy protection. Mechanism 1 requires shorter computing time and less cost of tags. Mechanism 2 provides higher security when attackers knew the secret key, but it would spend more computing time. There are different advantages for two mechanisms, and which points to the conclusion that we may use one of two mechanisms according to the factors which we consider.
Appears in Collections:Thesis