标题: 以知识本体建构之网路服务模糊搜寻
Ontology-based Fuzzy Matchmaking for Web Services
作者: 谭道馨
Tao-Hsin Tan
Chi-Chun Lo
Kuo-Ming Chao
关键字: 网路服务;模糊逻辑;匹配;Web service;Fuzzy Logic;Matchmaking
公开日期: 2004
摘要: 回顾过去几年,网际网路从无到有,这其中最重要原因不外乎其简单与无所不在的特性,而Web Service的兴起更是将网路的应用带向另一个纪元,因为Web不仅可以作为一个资讯平台,也将成为一个服务平台。而若想发挥网路服务的强大应用能力,关键就是如何正确快速地匹配网路服务。为了改善网路服务的搜寻效能,目前提供的匹配机制有UDDI、LARKS和CBR。但目前的匹配机制并没有将服务的内容作为匹配的考量之ㄧ,且UDDI也无法透过模糊语意进行搜寻。因此,本研究将服务的内容也纳入网路服务搜寻的考量中,用模糊逻辑和知识本体来展现服务内容。实验证明,本架构能让使用者使用自然的语句,较准确地筛选出适合的网路服务。
To fully realize the potential of Web services it is necessary to develop viable dynamic discovery and composition techniques. Matchmaking is considered as one of the crucial factors to ensure dynamic discovery and composition of Web services. Current matchmaking methods such as UDDI or LARKS are inadequate given their inability to abstract and classify Web services on the capability of services, software signatures, and so on. Current mechanisms have lost a hidden dimension for matchmaking. That is, the underlying data of Web services. Otherwise, UDDI doesn’t support the imprecise query. Therefore, our research proposes a novel framework which exploits fuzzy logic in order to abstract and classify the underlying data of Web services as fuzzy terms and rules. The aim is to allow vague terms in the search query and to provide more suited services to requesters.


  1. 451701.pdf

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