Title: 台灣無線自動辨識(RFID)產業之競爭機會
The Competitive Opportunity of the Radio Frequency Identification Industry in Taiwan
Authors: 謝禕文
Yi-Wen Hsieh
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
Keywords: 無線自動辨識;鑽石理論;六力分析;產品電子碼;Radio frequency identification (RFID);Diamond Model;Six Forces Analysis Model;Electric product code (EPC)
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 全球競爭強調資訊化與效率,無線通訊技術在廣域行動通訊、無線區域網路,以及高速個人區域網路三大領域進展迅速。另一方面,強調體積小、價格廉、傳輸距離短、傳輸速率低,以及耗電量低的無線自動識別系統(RFID;Radio Frequency Identification)亦開始發展。美國與日本分別訂定不同的RFID產業規格,並試圖主導此一產業發展。隨著RFID愈來愈受到廠商與國家的重視,中國大陸官方為了掌控RFID在中國市場的主導權,也提出中國版RFID標準的建議。RFID產業在台灣的發展時間尚短,政府輔導扮演著RFID產業發展的推手。本文整理相關文獻資料,分別探討美國、日本、中國與台灣RFID產業的發展現況與趨勢。本論文運用波特的鑽石理論以及產業鏈競爭分析理論,輔以前英特爾總裁Andrew S. Grove(1996)所提出之六力分析理論,比較RFID產業之國際競爭態勢以及台灣的產業地位,提出我國RFID產業發展方向與機會之建議,期望本文有助於台灣RFID產業之發展。
Wireless communications technology has been growing rapidly in wide area mobile communication, wireless local area network (WLAN) and personal area network (PAN). In addition, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), which puts emphasis on low cost, small size, and low battery consumption, has begun to develop recently. America and Japan are pushing for their own RFID standards to be accepted to become international RFID standards. China also proposed its domestic RFID standard in an attempt to secure Chinese RFID market. Low cost IC fabrication is Taiwan’s core competence in the global RFID value chain.
This thesis analyzed the current situation and development trend of RFID in America, Japan, China, and Taiwan. Porter’s Diamond Model, the Industry Value Chain Analysis Model, and the Six Forces Analysis Model were used to analyze the competitiveness and opportunities of Taiwan’s RFID industry. Government support is essential for the success of RFID in Taiwan.
Appears in Collections:Thesis