Title: 數位攝影機設計之顧客需求展開
Customer Needs Deployment for Designing Digital Video Camcorder
Authors: 詹雅琪
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
Keywords: 數位攝影機;Kano二維品質模式;標竿分析;品質機能展開;顧客需求;Digital video camcorder (DVC);Kano’s quality model;Benchmarking analysis;Quality function deployment;Customer needs
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 由於社會的繁榮,台灣人們的生活水準提升,對電子消費產品的需求愈來愈大,對品質的要求也愈來愈嚴格。可以紀錄生活點滴的數位攝影機漸漸為消費者所重視,面對龐大的商機,驅使業者推出功能佳、有特色的產品來搶攻市場。 本研究以個案的方式,應用Kano二維品質模式、標竿分析以及品質機能展開來探討消費者對數位攝影機功能與品質特性之看法,建構出數位攝影機設計之顧客需求展開,確保一台數位攝影機的各方面品質設計能夠滿足顧客的聲音。研究發現,消費者對數位攝影機的品質認知以必要品質為最多,無差異品質次之,一維品質及魅力品質的要項較少;而消費者對數位攝影機最重視的特性分別是拍攝畫質、電池耐用性以及解析度的高低,最不重視的分別是麥克風、加增的鏡片配備及其他內建功能;設計方面則以鏡頭最為重要,軟體設計最不重要。
A growing demand in consumer electronics arises due to thriving and prosperous society and the improvement of living standards in Taiwan. The consumers request the quality severely. The digital video camcorders (DVC) which can help people to retain memory in life are valued. Facing such a huge opportunity, merchants aggressively promote the new digital video camcorders which have good function and distinguishing features to raise the market share. The research applies Kano’s quality model, benchmarking analysis and quality function deployment to discuss the view of consumers and hopes to construct customer needs deployment for designing digital video camcorder by case. The approach wants to make sure that the quality of a digital video camcorder can satisfy the customers. The results reveal that most characteristics of DVC are classified must-be quality, and the second is indifferent quality. The characteristics classified attractive and one-dimensional quality are less. The results also show that the most important characteristics in consumers’ mind are the quality of frame, the durability of battery, and the dots per inch; the most unimportant characteristics are microphone, additional lens, and added internal functions. At the technology side, the designing of lens is emphasized most and the software designing is most insignificant.
Appears in Collections:Thesis