標題: 桃園機場捷運車站之運作與設施空間需求之研究
The Study of Taoyuan Airport MRT Station's Operation and Facilities Space Demand
作者: 林坤霖
Lin, Kuen-Lin
Hsu, Yuan-Ching
關鍵字: 等候理論;Queueing Theory
公開日期: 2008
摘要: 機場捷運系統是銜接國家門戶的重大交通建設亦是國家現代化的指標之一。近年來,各區域內航空客運興起,除各國爭相建築容量更大與結構新穎的航站外,更以發展機場聯外便捷的軌道運輸,以解決來往機場龐大交通衍生的問題。 本研究蒐集國外機場聯外軌道運輸系統結合預辦登機報到的案例、行李運送的方式,並利用國內相關調查文獻及既有建立的運輸需求模式,實地調查台鐵台北車站假日尖峰時段旅客使用車站服務設施習慣等,以作為分析桃園機場捷運的假設條件。自旅次分析至機場旅客出入境的各項特性、估算捷運系統內旅客以及行李數量的方法,再從捷運系統運輸旅客特性及功能需求,應用國外案例的車站設計概念,進而完成車站各項設施的空間需求估算。 本研究以等候理論為基礎,考量機場出入境旅客攜帶的行李及托運的空間需求,以現行計算服務設施的方法應用模擬程式來模擬旅客在捷運服務設施內使用各項服務設施時的使用情形,以作為捷運系統內設施空間的佈設基礎,獲得捷運車站的適當空間需求。
Airport MRT(Mass Rapid Transpotation) System is the main traffic construction connecting airport and downtown. It is also one of country’s modernized indexes. In recent years, the population of air passengers has been rising all over the world. Every airport develops the newest huge terminals to contain the rising air passengers and constructs MRT system to solve the traffic problems arriving and leaving terminal. This research collects the samples of overseas airport MRT systems integrated by register and luggage service. utilizing the surveying documents and the transpotation requirement model and investigating the vertical-move habit of travelers in TRA Taipei Station during a holiday have been applied to the assumed conditions of Airport MRT System and using airplane schedule to analysis the charteritics of passengers and estimate the population of passenger and the amount of luggage. Furthermore, accroding the charteritics of passengers to develop the space layout of station facilities. This research is based on queueing theory. Considering the space requirement of luggage service, simulating the travelers’ activities and basing on the facilities space to finish a suitable MRT station layout.
Appears in Collections:Thesis