標題: 運用資料採礦探討國際電話訊務之流失與挽回
Apply Data Mining on International Telephone Traffic Lose and Recapture
作者: 官俊安
Edwin Tang
關鍵字: 國際電話;資料採礦;羅吉斯迴歸;挽回;International telephone;Data Mining;Logistic regression;Recapture
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 我國電信業務自1996年起陸續自由化,在固定網路方面,在2000年釋出3張新的營運執照,得標的民營業者在2001年陸續開始營運。但由於最後一哩鋪設進度緩慢,長途電話利潤較低,而國際電話利潤較高、產品同質性高、消費者轉換提供業者也較為容易,初期新進業者皆採降價方式搶攻客源,使得國際電話業務競爭最為激烈。2004年後,降價空間漸小,市場結構亦漸趨穩定,此階段正是原既有業者應該思考如何開始挽回先前已流失客戶之時機。
The telecom industry in Taiwan has been liberalized from 1996. The government in 2000 issued three licenses of fixed line, and the new carriers have been operated since 1991. Because the Last mile is difficult to construct, the competition of local phone market is not violent. Compared with the long-distance telephone’s less profit, the international telephone’s high profit, homogeneous product properties, and easiness for customers to change the provider shows a powerful attraction. Most new carrier adopted penetration pricing strategy to capture customers and this situation resulted in intense competition between international telephone market. However, while the space of price reduction gets smaller and the market structure tends towards stable after 2004, this is the perfect time for incumbent operator to think how to win lost customers back.
We retrieve more than eight millions international call detail records(CDR), which were produced in the period of Jan to Sep in 2004, from incumbent operator’s Data warehouse. After sampling 930,000 records that coutomer born in Taipei,we use Data mining methodology to analyze it. After that, we use Logistic regression to test hypotheses and construct regression model. Finally, it is found that the variation of international call price and communication useage behavior is related to whether the lost customers can be recaptured or not. Additionally, both factors have interactive correlation to affect customer’s choice. Response rate, Recall rate, Lift, and R square verify this model’s usefulness, and we suggest incumbent operator use this model to recapture lost traffic.