標題: 人格特質對小團體決策品質之影響:從團體迷思觀點談起
A study on the relationship between personalities and group decision making: The Groupthink perspective
作者: 曾昭中
Tseng Chao-Chung
Shu-Chu Li, Ph.D
關鍵字: 五大人格特質;小團體溝通;團體迷思;The Big Five Model;Small group communication;Groupthink
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著科技的進步,事務處理的複雜度也相對地提昇,在這種狀況下,事務的決策已經無法單由個人所能來完成,於是在組織及機構中形成了愈來愈多的小團體(small groups),而組織及機構也依靠這些小團體去進行討論、決策等行為,相關研究表示,組織及機構愈來愈常藉由團體去面對日漸增加的工作多樣性。因此,小團體決策的成功與否,就大大的影響了組織或機構的生存與發展,在此情形下,對於小團體溝通的研究也益顯重要,所以本研究欲探討其影響因素,並期待將來能作為組織或機構在建構小團體時的指導方針。 在實證研究方面,本研究以交通大學的大學生為研究對象,總共收集了12個小團體的資料,透過「輸入—過程—產出」的模式進行驗證,而後測問卷對小團體成員的人格特質進行調查,並對小團體溝通的內容進行內容分析。 研究結果發現,(1)高神經質的團體成員藉由小團體傳播的過程,容易增加團體迷思的發生;反之,具高勤勉正直性和高隨和性的成員則會減少團體迷思的產生,(2)團體凝聚力的高低對團體迷思的產生並無顯著影響;最後,(3)團體迷思的增加,的確會降低小團體決策的品質。
With the tasks becoming more complicated, organizations tend to rely on small groups to perform various tasks. Many factors have been discovered to affect the quality of group performance, the most important of which is group communication. Many studies have confirmed that there is a positive relationship between group communication and the quality of group performance. Therefore, this study attempts to understand whether members’ personalities affect group communication, which in turn impacts the quality of group performance. An experimental design was adopted by this study to examine the relationship between members’ personalities and the quality of group communication. The data analysis shows that members’ personalities did communication affect the quality of group which consequently had a significant effect on group performance.
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