標題: 黃詩涵中提琴演奏會(含輔助文件:亨德密特中提琴協奏曲《燒烤天鵝的人》─詮釋與分析)
Shih-Han Huang Viola Recital (With a Supporting Paper: Paul Hindemith: Viola Concerto Der Schwanendreher-- Interpretation and Analysis)
作者: 黃詩涵


關鍵字: 亨德密特;德國古老民謠;燒烤天鵝的人;Paul Hindemith;medieval tune;Der Schwanendreher
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本文藉由德國作曲家亨德密特於1935年所寫之中提琴協奏曲《燒烤天鵝的人》,探討其運用德國古老民謠之曲意、旋律與文本當中的關聯性。從亨德密特的求學歷程與人生經驗可知其理論之紮實、創作風格之過程、音樂之理念等。以此作品為媒介,將樂曲之架構與分析、練習之困難處、民謠旋律之影射等作為求得合理的詮釋方式之基礎,並嘗試以個人和前輩演奏上的詮釋力求真實表達作曲家所傳達的意念。
The research subject of this thesis is the viola concerto Der Schwanendreher by the German composer Paul Hindemith written in 1935. The paper also focuses on the exploitation of the meanings and the tunes of the German medieval folksongs, and their application and connection with the concerto. By tracing the composer’s musical studies and life experiences, much can be understood about his compositional theories, the various stages of his musical styles and the principles that he holds for music writings. The quest of a truthful performance of the concerto is to be based on the interpretation and analysis of its structure, the resolution of the technical difficulties and the understanding of the insinuation by the medieval tunes in this work. In addition, through personal and others’ performances, the performer hopes to find and achieve a total expression of the composer’s thoughts conveyed in the music. Key word;Paul Hindemith, medieval tune, Der Schwanendreher


  1. 651201.pdf

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