標題: 運用『科學推理』於網路互動學習─促進國中生原子概念之建構與推理
Research of “Scientific Reasoning ” with Web-based Interactive Learning : Promoting Middle School Students’ Conceptual Construction and Reasoning Regarding Atoms
作者: 廖婭妏
Ya-Wen Liao
Hsiao-Ching She
關鍵字: 科學推理;原子;雙重情境式學習;心智表徵;網路互動學習;Scientific reasoning;Atom;DSLM;Mental representation;Web-based interactive learning
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本研究目的是依據『雙重情境學習模式』為基礎,同時結合推理與類比推理的學習模式設計出原子單元互動式網路學習課程。探討實驗組學生在經由此網路課程學習後與傳統教學組學生在科學推理能力、原子單元主題相依推理測驗、原子單元成就測驗之差異。同時針對實驗組學生進行訪談並結合網路學習事件分析,以深入瞭解學生原子概念的建構與改變情形。 □ 研究採用實驗研究法之準實驗設計,研究對象為六班國中二年級學生,分別為三班實驗組114人,三班對照組110人。其中實驗組與對照組分別運用網路化推理模式與傳統教學模式進行為期一個月的概念改變教學,比較兩組學生在原子單元成就測驗、原子單元相依推理測驗、科學推理測驗、原子結構心智表徵的差異。並分別針對實驗組學生在網路互動式學習歷程與訪談之概念改變與推理層級進行分析。 □ 結果發現相較於對照組,實驗組經過網路化推理模式後,不論是學業分組(高、中、低)的學生,或是科學推理分組(過渡期、具體運思期)的學生,分別在原子單元學習成就、原子單元相依推理能力皆能獲得更好的學習成效及學習保留效果。在科學推理能力方面,學生在教學後經過一段時間後也能獲得頗佳的學習保留力。而學生在建構原子結構心智表徵上,實驗組學生在後測、追蹤測能呈現『太陽系型』的人數比例遠優於對照組。 針對實驗組在網路互動式學習歷程上,研究者將學習事件的理由部分分成閉鎖及開放式兩種。前者就學生的概念改變歷程分析結果顯示,學生在大部分學習事件的平均成功率由50%到90%。而後者從學生的概念推理層級結果顯示,學生在各學習事件上平均有高於90%學生在學習事件前後是屬於進步與維持推理層級的。 針對實驗組在訪談分析上,結果顯示學生在原子單元訪談問題後測、追蹤測的概念數沒有明顯增加。而所有問題的正確概念分數在後測均大於前測且達顯著性。其次在概念推理類型上,在愈前面問題顯著差異落在推理層次較低較多,愈到後面的問題則顯著差異落在推理層次較高的較多。最後多數學生在概念改變量上皆呈現增加,表示實驗組學生在教學後,甚至經過一段時間後都能成功達到概念改變。
Web-based interactive lessons of the atom unit were developed for this study. The design of the lessons was based on the Dual Situated Learning Model (DSLM) and the reasoning as well as analogical reasoning learning approaches. The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of web-based interactive lessons on students’ conceptual construction and reconstruction as well as their scientific reasoning ability. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. Six eighth grade classes were recruited, 3 classes (a total of 114 students) served as the experimental group, the remaining 3 classes (a total of 110 students) served as the control group. The experimental group received the web-based interactive lessons of the atom unit for a month, and the control group received the same content in a conventional instructional context for the same period of time. Their learning outcomes being compared included the cognitive achievement test and the reasoning test of the atom , the scientific reasoning test, and the mental representation of an atom. In addition, the experimental group students’ conceptual change and their levels of scientific reasoning were analyzed from the data collected in the process of the web-based interactive learning as well as in the pre-, post- and retention interviews. The results showed that the students of the experimental group outperformed their control group counterparts in many aspects. Regardless of their initial levels of academic achievement in science (high achievers, middle achievers or low achievers), or their scientific reasoning stages (transitional or concrete), the scores of the cognitive achievement test and the reasoning test of the atom unit showed there was a better immediate effect and also a superior retaining effect on the experimental group students. In terms of the scientific reasoning ability, the retention test scores showed the experimental group students’ scientific reasoning ability sustained for a longer period of time. With regard to the mental representation of an atom, the results of the posttest and the retention test showed the percentages of students who held a “solar system” representation of an atom were much higher in the experimental group than that in the control group. The design of the learning events in the web-based interactive lessons included the formats of closed and open-ended. The analysis of the former indicated that the average successful conceptual change rate ranged from 50% to 90% for most of the events. The analysis of the later showed there was an average percentage higher than 90% that the students’ reasoning level was improved or sustained after the learning event. The analysis results of the interview transcripts revealed that there was no apparent increase of the number of concepts in the post- and retention interviews. Moreover, for each question the mean score of correct concepts was statistically significantly higher in the post-interview than that in the pre-interview. With regard to the level of scientific reasoning, the level apparently increased along with the sequence of the interview questions. Furthermore, most students had an increase in the amount of conceptual change. This finding revealed that after taking the interactive web-based lessons of atom unit, the students were able to have a successful conceptual change immediately or after a period of time.


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