標題: 平台式營運模式探討---以全球線上信用卡報稅/繳稅交易平台個案研究
Platform Business Models: Acase Study of "Global On-Line"
作者: 章經綸
Ching-Lun Chang
Po-Young Chu
關鍵字: 平台;營運模式;Platform;Business Model
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 以信用卡報稅平台探討平台式營運模式,文中歸納此平台式的營運商業模式與現有平台的共通性及差異性,成功的關鍵因素,平台的成效,後續應用與成長,進行詳盡探討. 本研究中特別突顯其與現有如Intel, Microsoft, TSMC, AT&T需大資本,投入高金額研發的平台領導者做法之不同,為中小型公司思考成為平台的關鍵領導者,提出一個以小搏大整合創新的思維,在現今大者恆大法則,台灣的企業進軍大陸,將需以靈活小蝦米之姿,在大鯨魚環繞下,如何借力使力,整合資源,創新開發,站穩市場,提供參考。 本個案平台從最早概念成形,規劃,佈局,到上線,歷時兩年,最重要成功乃是掌握環境、技術、使用者成熟的關鍵時機,以概念而言,並非獨一無二的,但如何找對的人在對的時機做對的事突破關卡,才是真正的成功關鍵,所以成功不是屬於想出方法的人,而是去落實執行的人。
The main focus of this research is to explore the e-commerce bisiness model related to a "platform" which has been used in the on-line incom tax payment via credit card. Within the scope of this work, it is intended to have in-depth discussions in the area of business models and their structure, the key success factirs and the entry barriers to build up to maintain competitive advantages for the future growth and prospect. In contrast to the “fully vertical integration, with commitment of enormous capital investment and resources, the approach that Intel, Microsoft and AT&T are taking, Global On-Line(GOL), a small to medium size enterprise, has developed an e-commerce platform, integrating all key partners and successfully positioning itself as an on-line application solution provider. It only took two years for this idea to advance from the incubation phase, the planning stage to the final and on line launch. GOL has created a value proposition and invited all key partners to foster this business model via creating synergy for all parties involved. Again, this case has further reinforced the criticality of execution in the business arena! An idea looks good on the paper, but will not sell until it has been implemented with the right strategy at the right timing.


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