DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChun-Ching Linen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiun-Sin Linen_US
dc.description.abstract在資訊快速流通、分秒必爭的環境下,企業面對的是全球化的競爭市場。「快速」與「敏捷的反應力」將是企業經營的關鍵,因此企業必須能夠有足夠能力才能面對突如其來的挑戰。面對知識此種無形資產要如何具體化並且加以運用,是每個企業經營者必須面對的問題。 知識管理系統可以協助企業對無形的知識資產作有效的管理。透過知識管理系統的協助可以將知識數位化儲存起來形成企業的知識庫,讓企業內的員工可以透過系統平台共同分享與創新知識。由於產業的特性和企業組織文化上的差異,使得企業在導入知識管理系統時是無法完全直接引用其他企業的知識管理系統架構模式,必須考量產業本身的特性與企業內部的狀況來作調整與設計。因此如何運用資訊科技來協助企業建置知識管理系統以有效的管理企業內部的知識活動,是企業導入知識管理時必須思考與解決的問題。 本研究獲得以下之結論:就實際狀況來看,個案公司的黏晶機設備製造知識管理系統,首先致力於建構一個技術文件庫,且在對象設定上僅針對工程、技術部門使用。文件管理系統的利益有促進知識分享,提昇產品品質,促進最佳實務廣為分享與移轉,縮短新進人員訓練與學習的時間;內建黏晶機設備製造知識於設備控制軟體之中,促進對所創造與使用的知識,有更佳的了解,成為例行性工作的一部份;個案公司的PC BASE控制技術,有效運用PC軟體資源,快速開發各種製程設備之控制軟體,大大提昇工作效率及縮短開發時程;個案公司為眾多中小型企業之一,無論在資金和規模上都難以和國際大廠相提並論,軟硬體投資少,所以對於動輒百萬或千萬以上的軟硬體投資,自然是沒有幾家廠商有導入的條件。運用符合成本效益的網際網路,遍及全球的開放程式碼軟體資源,加上建立知識管理藍圖,以便提供建立與逐步改善知識管理系統的計畫。使得我們可以以最少的軟硬體投資,從最重耍的流程開始,建構知識管理系統。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUnder the fast circulation of information, environment of seizing every minute and second, enterprises are in the face of the competitive globalized market. 'fast' and 'agile reaction' will be the key to business management, so enterprises must have enough capabilities to confront the burst of challenge in business. How to specify and apply in the face of this kind of intangible assets of knowledge is an issue that the manager of each enterprise must face. The knowledge management system can help enterprises manage the intangible knowledge assets effectively. Through the assistance of the knowledge management system, knowledge can be digitized in computer and transformed to enterprise knowledge base, it will enable the staff of enterprises to share and create knowledge through the systematic platform. Due to the differences on organization culture and industry characteristic, enterprises can not copy knowledge management system from other enterprises directly. Enterprises must consider their industry's characteristics and status inside enterprises to adjust and design. So how to use information technology to help enterprise develop knowledge management system and manage knowledge activities of enterprise effectively, it is the problem that enterprise must think and solve while introducing knowledge management system. This research obtains the following conclusions: First, in reality, the case company’s die bonder equipment manufacturing knowledge management system devoted to building a technological document database at first, targeting engineering and technical department only. The benefits of the document management system are promoting knowledge sharing and product quality, promoting the best practice to share and transfer and shortening the training time and learning curve of new employer. Second, embedding knowledge in die bonder equipment manufacturing knowledge management system in the equipment control software, promote good understanding to the created and used knowledge as a part of routine job. Third, the case company applies PC BASE control technology using of PC software resources effectively to develop various kinds of control software for equipment quickly and promote working efficiency and shortening product developing cycle greatly. Fourth, the case company is one of the numerous small and medium enterprises, all difficult to put on a par with international large company no matter on the capital and scale. It is difficult to take large software and hardware investment to deploy knowledge system naturally. We can apply the cost-effective internet network, worldwide software resources of open source code and building knowledge management blueprint to offer and set up with the plan of improving knowledge management system progressively. This enables us to make the software and hardware investment at least and to start from the most important process to develop knowledge management system.en_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Management Systemen_US
dc.subjectDie Bonder Equipment Manufacturingen_US
dc.titleDeveloping A Knowledge Management System for Semiconductor Backend Die Bonder Equipment Manufacturingen_US