Title: 物流業導入全球運籌服務平台過程之研究
Design a Global Logistics Service Platform For Logistics industry
Authors: 陳仁財
Ren-Tsai Chen
Dr. Ruey-Shun Chen
Keywords: 全球運籌管理;全球供應鏈管理;企業資源規劃;全球運籌服務平台;Global Logistics Management;Global Supply-chain Management;Enterprise Resource Planning;Global Logistics Service Platform
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 全球運籌管理受到重視程度日漸增高,全球貿易高度競爭,更積極藉由物流和資訊技術,整合物流產業上下游商務模式。提供運輸服務的物流業者在快速反應客戶需求的衝擊之下,被要求提供及時的全程物流資訊,以提升在全球供應鏈管理的附加價值,以創造長久競爭力。基於上述的種種問題讓傳統的物流業也深刻的思考電子化對於企業之重要性。 本研究的目的在對於物流業電子化過程中之問題、需求、範圍與解決方案作深入的研究,並以物流業個案公司為本研究之探討案例。規劃導入之企業資源規劃系統之整體規劃包括空運承攬、報關業務系統、運輸業務、帳務管理及決策支援…等企業資源整合系統,主要目標是配合ERP系統以建構一全球運籌服務平台 ( Goble Logistics Service Platform,GLSP )。 本研究依據個案公司所面臨之問題與電子化需求,規劃了全球運籌服務平台來做為解決的方案。本研究所達成的主要成果是完成全球運籌及供應鍊協同作業平台,此平台將協助個案公司達成運籌服務作業電子資訊化的目的且強化運籌體系電子化服務品質,此平台可以讓貨物運送之服務品質上提升並提供即時全程貨況。將帶動個案公司上下游體系廠商在此平台上做完整而自動化的追蹤服務。在導入後使資訊與物流訊息透通,縮短報關作業時間,線上審核流程簡化,運籌作業成本降低,縮短運籌例外管理的時間,Forecast confirmation的減少,倉儲空間節省進而降低庫存跌價損失與庫存成本。
The Global Logistics management is importment to provide logistic enterprises how to deal with customers’ rapid requests and how fast to provide logistic information when information is required. Add supply-demand chain additional value and create long term competition. Base on above various questions, traditional logistic enterprises are going to consider the importance of electronic. The goal for this research is to study of logistic electronic process, demand, range and solution. The enterprise resource planning system, including air transport, delivery business, account management and policy support…ect. The main goal is to combine ERP system to build Global Logistics Service Platform(GLSP). According to company facing questions and electronic demand, we plan GLSP as solution. The result of this study is to finish GLSP and supply-demand chain. The platform will help company to achieve logistics service electronic and strengthen logistics service quality. The platform can enhance delivery service quality and provide in-time shopping information. The system will provide automatic tracing service of suppliers. After conducting this system, the information and shopping can be connected, reduce forwarder’s time, simplify on-line checking process, reduce logistics’ cost, cut down extra management time, reduce forecast confirmation, save warehouse in order to cut down stocks price lost and stocks cost.
Appears in Collections:Thesis