標題: 內部服務與顧客滿足關連之研究
The Study on the Relationship between Internal Service and Customer Satisfaction
作者: 張子凱
Sky Chang
Ruey-Shun Chen
關鍵字: 內部服務;顧客導向;顧客滿意;顧客忠誠;Internal Service;Customer Orientation;Customer Satisfaction;Customer Loyalty
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著消費型態的改變,企業愈來愈重視顧客滿意,而企業內的員工對吸引、建立與維持顧客關係扮演中心角色,企業體認到服務從業人員在服務傳遞過程的關鍵地位,因而對員工的顧客導向、工作滿足及內部服務的需求應運而生。但在過去的研究中卻發現,非民營企業在策略實行上之所得成效往往不如民營企業,因此本研究之目的在於探討企業導入內部服務觀念時所施行的相關措施,對於員工的顧客導向及工作滿足之影響、成效,並試圖了解不同所有權狀況的企業間所推行內部服務的措施,對於員工的顧客導向觀念之影響上,是否會有所差異而導致企業競爭力的不當影響。 本研究以工業技術研究院、中華電信及台灣大哥大等公司之員工為樣本母體,並以全國的第一線服務櫃檯人員為抽樣對象,採問卷調查方式。將調查資料進行平均數及變異數的計算,最後再利用SPSS AMOS統計軟體進行分析,取得其研究的精準度資料,並以線性結構模式方法進行資料分析,最後成功驗證本研究所提出的理論模式。 本研究結果確認內部服務會正向影響員工之顧客導向,同時確認員工之顧客導向會正向影響員工之工作滿足,最後當考慮企業所有權狀況時,民營企業中內部服務對顧客導向之影響較非民營企業中明顯。 最後本研究建議透過內部服務的重視及徹底推行,如此將有助於提高顧客忠誠。同時對後續之研究方向提出一些建議。
As the consumptive pattern has been changing, enterprises pay more and more attention to customer satisfaction. Several past studies found that the effectiveness of strategy implementation in state-owned enterprises was not as good as that in their private counterparts. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the effect of internal marketing on employees’ customer orientation and job satisfaction, and whether the internal marketing has different effect on customer orientation between the employees in state-owned and private enterprises. Convenience sampling method was applied to select front-line service counter employees from ITRI, Chunghwa Telecom and Taiwan Mobile to answer the questionnaire. Structural Equation Models were used to test the proposed hypotheses. SPSS AMOS software was applied as the analyzing tool in this study. The results showed that Internal marketing had positive impact on employees’ customer orientation; Employees’ customer orientation had positive impact on job satisfaction; Internal marketing in private enterprises had much more significant impact on customer orientation than that in state-owned counterpart did. According to the result, we recommend some suggestions to both the practitioners and the academics.


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