標題: 台灣TFT LCD廠供應鏈發展策略之研究
The Supply Chain Management Strategies of Taiwanese TFT-LCD Companies
作者: 林揚芬
YangFen Lin
Dr. Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: TFT-LCD;策略;供應鏈管理;產品組合;TFT-LCD;Strategies;Supply Chain Management;Product Mix
公開日期: 2004
摘要: TFT LCD為我國重點發展之科技產業,預計在2005年總投資額將超過2500億台幣,總產值預估在2006年將超過1兆台幣。由於TFT-LCD材料成本比重超過60%,使得關鍵零組件的掌握與材料的供應鏈在其產業佔有不可忽視的關鍵地位。本論文在透過次級資料的分析與歸納,分析台灣TFT-LCD各廠商在供應鏈發展的佈局與成果,針對終端市場產品生命週期的特性,剖析在不同的終端市場,廠商所面臨的市場趨勢與經營壓力,進而分析其在供應鏈佈局上所採取的策略與所形成的競爭優劣勢。面板的產業價值鏈包括上游關鍵零組件供應、中游面板生產、下游產品組裝、以及終端市場銷售,藉由對成本結構精密的剖析、從終端市場客戶對整體供應鏈發展的期望,提出對台灣面板製造廠供應鏈發展策略的建議,包括保守或積極的關鍵零組件供應鏈的策略、投入設備廠的佈局、產品組合的策略、LCD TV的供應鏈佈局、往下游組裝業發展與拓展品牌市場等策略,以期在競爭越形激烈、投注資源與風險越高的經營壓力下,能夠找到有利的供應鏈策略。
The TFT-LCD industry is the second largest emerging high-tech industry, after the semi-conductor industry, in Taiwan. Total investment has reached 250 billion NT in 2005. The total revenue was estimated to reach 1 trillion NT in 2006. Because material and component costs account for over 60% of the cost structure of TFT LCD, the supply chain management of key components and raw material are of paramount importance. The value chain of TFT-LCD industry includes component providers, TFT-LCD panel manufacturers, end product designers/assemblers, and end product distributors/sellers. The impact of TFT-LCD product life cycle on the cost reduction strategies of operators in the value chain was analyzed. The supply chain management strategies of Taiwanese leading TFT-LCD manufacturers i.e. AUO, CMO, CPT, QDI and Hannstar were studied. The enhancement trend to supply chain management in TFT-LCD industry was recommended.


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