Title: 泛歐數位式行動電話與網際網路電話以智慧型網路為基礎之同步振鈴服務
An IN-based One Number Parallel Ring Service to GSM and IP Phones
Authors: 郭晉碩
Chin-Shuo Kuo
Ming-Feng Chang
Keywords: 雙網;平行振鈴;dual network;parallel ring
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 近期電信網路的發展,已經朝向各種類型網路統合的趨勢。因此,如何將幾種電話網路整合,存在有許多的議題可以探討。各個不同的網路,共同使用同一號碼的想法,符合簡化的潮流。本文提到的服務方法,不論在何種性質的網路中只要用一個號碼即可聯絡到對方,這樣的服務尤其適合用戶在國外,當沒有網際網路電話門號的服務時,就可以用此服務在國外撥接電話,而不需負擔昂貴的行動電話國際漫遊費用。現有技術諸如網際網路電話號碼對應技術(ENUM),雖然可以讓GSM電話用戶撥打到網路電話,但仍存在許多問題。因此本文設計了幾項機制,並以平行呼叫服務(Parallel Ring Service)實作,這樣就可以在現有行動電話網路中整合網路電話,讓使用網路電話(尤其是無線網路電話)不需再申請網路電話專屬號碼,也符合單一使用者使用單一隨身碼的人性化設計原則。目前世界各國的第三代GSM系統UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), 版本 R4,均尚未進入真正全封包傳輸網路 (UMTS第五版) 的時代,與網際網路電話的流暢互動仍不可行。而第二代泛歐數位式行動電話系統服務的使用者廣大,為因應網路電話使用者快速膨脹的趨勢,必須把握市場最適當的進入時間。透過本論文所提出的架構,就可以在現存GSM服務業者網路中真正實作可快速上線的多網電話服務。
The trend of the recent telecommunication network development is integrating different networks. Many issues still need to be investigated in this domain. The concept of using only one number for each user among different networks fits the current trend of integrating networks with a simpler human operation method. In the service model presented in this thesis, a user can be reached by dialing the user’s GSM phone number, no matter what networks the user is on. For example, when we go abroad, we can a GSM terminating call from an IP phone without having to pay expensive international mobile roaming fee. Using current technologies, such as ENUM (Mapping an E.164 number to URI using DNS) and Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), a call can be initiated from GSM networks and terminated on the Internet. But, ENUM still has some limitations that hinder the GSM and IP network integration. In this thesis, we present an IN-based parallel ring service to integrate the service for GSM and IP telephony. A GSM subscriber doesn’t need to apply another IP phone number and can enjoy the one personal number service in both the GSM and IP networks. 3G (3rd generation) All-IP (version R5) network is still not mature in 2005. Thus, the smooth interaction between GSM and IP Telephony still faces a lot of difficulties. With the trend of fast growth of the users in IP-Networks, we present a simple solution that meets the time-to-market requirement and to provide parallel ring service to GSM and IP networks.
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