標題: 以Digital Rights Management應用於館際視聽共享之研究
An Application on Library Collaboration with Audio-visual Media by Digital Rights Management
作者: 吳雪菁
Hsueh-ching Wu
Dr. Hao-Ren Ke
Dr. Rey-Sern Lin
關鍵字: 視聽資料;館際合作;數位版權管理(DRM);開放式數位版權語言(ODRL);影音串流;Audio-visual Media;Library Collaboration;Digital Rights Management(DRM);Open Digital Rights Language(ODRL);Streaming Media
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 目前,館際間進行視聽資料的合作並不常見,主因乃視聽資料昂貴及恐造成資料遺失與損毀,其中,著作權衍生之相關問題,更是重要且待釐清的議題。因此,本論文探討館際合作共享機制,結合數位權管理(Digital Rights Management,簡稱DRM)規範進行研究,考量各圖書館視聽資料之財產管理等實務問題,提出了權限集中控管、內容分散儲存之系統機制。本論文系統已完成館際視聽共享的精神核心如下: 1. 影片播放控制:影片播放可依不同使用權利進行控制。 2. 重複確認機制:使用者身份重複確認。 3. 內容分散管理:可即時播放儲存於各圖書館的影片內容。 4. 權利語言規範:系統自動產生代表使用者之數位權利文件。 本系統已初步地實現視聽資料館際合作的基礎,未來的延伸機制將無可限量,而圖書館館際間更可以彼此形成聯盟,分享彼此資源以及有效利用彼此資源,以疏緩目前大多數圖書館所面臨的視聽經費缺乏與讀者服務平衡的問題。
For the time being, few of audio-visual media collaborations between libraries are used. A fundamental reason for this situation is that most of collaborated materials are highly expensive. Furthermore, the material for collaboration might be damaged or lost in it. During the collaboration activities, related issues of copyright would be the most important one and need to be clarified. Therefore, it is the purpose of this thesis to probe into library collaboration resources sharing. We combine DRM specification with considerations of practical difficulties such as audio-visual media property management in each library and promote authority centered control plus content distributed storage system. The essence of this study contains the following items: 1. Control and display films: To master film display limit base on user’s authority. 2. Reconfirmation: To control user’s ID. 3. Control distributed content: To display the films stored in each library. 4. Specify Rights Expression Language (REL): To generate the digital rights documents for users automatically. The system with the above controls could preliminary carry out library collaboration scheme and its extended functions will be boundless in the future. Thus, consociation is able to be built between libraries to share and make use of the resources effectively. This could lessen the problems of insufficient budget and equal reader service which most of the libraries are encountered.


  1. 763301.pdf

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