標題: 商標註冊國際化發展之研究-以馬德里國際註冊商標及歐洲共同體商標為研究核心
Internationalization Development of Trademark Registration- Studies on Madrid International Registered Trademarks and Community Trademarks
作者: 孫曉青
Hsiao-Ching Sun
Ming-Yan Shieh
Wen-Chieh Wang
關鍵字: 商標註冊;國際化;馬德里;歐洲共同體;多國註冊;超國註冊;Trademark Registration;Internationalization;Madrid;European Community;Multi-National Registration;Supra-National Registration
公開日期: 2007
摘要: 由於現代經濟活動國際化的結果,商品和服務之流通無遠弗屆,國際間為了強化對於商標之保護,陸續成立了多個商標國際保護組織,並制定各種保護規範。就商標註冊層面而言,目前除了傳統的逐一向各國提出註冊申請之「一國註冊」(National Registration)途徑外,尚有「多國註冊」(Multi-National Registration)、「超國註冊」(Supra-National Registration)兩種國際化發展面向。所謂「多國註冊」,乃指由條約成立的國際機構受理註冊申請,再由該機構通知被指定欲受保護之國家,由該國審查是否同意授予商標權,並僅取得該國之商標權而已,以依「商標國際註冊馬德里協定」(Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks)及「商標國際註冊馬德里協定有關議定書」(Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks)註冊之「馬德里國際註冊商標」為代表;而所謂「超國註冊」,乃指在區域內建立一部統一之商標實體法,設立一個統籌授與商標權的註冊及管理機構,依此註冊之效力及於區域內所有國家,以依「歐洲共同體商標條例」(Council Regulation (EC) No 40/94 of 20 December 1993 on the Community Trademark)註冊之「歐洲共同體商標」為代表。 鑒於商標註冊國際化發展之影響力日益擴大、國內對於商標註冊國際化發展議題之研究不多、基於台灣國際處境有靈活運用各種商標註冊途徑之需求等研究動機,本文研究內容首先是商標保護之國際化發展緣由及現況,次以「多國註冊」及「超國註冊」中較具代表性之「馬德里國際註冊商標」、「歐洲共同體商標」為研究核心,探討其重要規範內容、優缺點、具體實施情形,再歸納選擇適用各種註冊途徑之考量因素及策略建議,並從現實面及法理面探討建立一個全球性、超國家性質的「世界商標」之可能性及妥適性,最後對商標註冊國際化發展之未來方向提出建言。
As a result of modern economic activities, commodities and services are both in wide circulation around the globe. In order to strengthen the protection of trademarks, many international protection organizations and regulations have appeared on the scene. With regard to trademark registration and in addition to “National Registration”, there are two registration methods to get trademark rights, “Multi-National Registration” and “Supra-National Registration”. “Multi-National Registration” can be described as follows: the applicant files his application to the international organization, the international organization next informs those countries which the applicant assigned in his application, then each country examines and decides whether to give trademark rights to the applicant independently, and if so the applicant receives the rights in the country. “Madrid International Registered Trademark” is the representative of “Multi-National Registration”. “Supra-National Registration” can be described as follows: the applicant files his application to the supra-national organization in the region, then this organization examines and decides whether to give trademark rights to the applicant, and if so the applicant receives the rights which have overall effects on every country in the region. “Community Trademark” is the representative of “Supra-National Registration”. The main motives of this article are as follows: first, the great effects of the internationalization development of trademark registration; second, the sparse amount of domestic research studies; third, the need for an applicant in Taiwan to utilize the registration systems nimbly. The chapters of this article are as follows: first, the causes and present circumstances of the internationalization development of trademark registration; second, investigation on “Madrid International Registered Trademark ”; third, research on “Community Trademark”; fourth, analysis on the strategy of utilizing different registration methods, and analysis on the possibility and the soundness of establishing a global, supra-national “World Trademark”; and lastly, suggestions for the future direction of the internationalization development of trademark registration.


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