DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract在都市永續發展觀念下,都市更新已經成為台灣都市發展的趨勢之一。雖然我國已有『都市更新條例』及各項相關子法,但是在施行都市更新事業之實際過程中仍存在著許多的困難,使得民間投資者參與推動都市更新事業的意願相對低落,造成台灣地區都市更新成效不彰。如果能研擬更能夠積極引導與鼓勵民間共同參與都市更新之對策,將能加速國內都市更新的腳步。 在都市更新過程中,容積獎勵已經成為民間投資者願意參與推動都市更新的重大誘因,惟政府在實施容積獎勵的同時,如何能夠兼顧都市生活品質並營造出更好的公共空間,實是一項十分重要的課題。本研究發現在目前我國的都市更新相關條例中,對部分容積獎勵項目之評定基準及認定,並未訂定明確的認定準則,導致在都市更新事業計畫審議上產生疑問及爭議,阻礙了都市更新事業的推動,進而降低實施者參與都市更新的意願。因此,若欲使都市更新事業之推動更順利,各容積獎勵項目之評定基準及認定應有更明確的規定。在採用提高容積獎勵作為鼓勵實施者參與都市更新的手段時,亦須考量因提高容積獎勵所可能造成的負面影響,研擬相關之配套措施是必要的。本研究初步建議可考量其對地區環境之影響,訂定扣減容積獎勵之規定或規定更新後戶數增加之比值,以確保更新地區之環境品質。 本研究發現實施者在爭取到相關的容積獎勵後,若欲充分有效利用其容積奬勵,則勢必需要增加建築高度才能滿足需求。但是,由於現行相關法令對建築高度限制之規定,可能會使民間投資者無法享受到都市更新容積獎勵的好處,進而導致其投資意願低落。因此本研究初步認為現行法規中對建築高度限制有放寬之必要。同時,在考慮建築高度限制放寬的情況下,為確保都市公共空間及社區生活品質,應有適當的配套措施。因此本研究初步建議在放寬法令對建築高度限制之同時,應以搭配縮減建蔽率來做設計,並指定退縮之牆面線位置,如此將能使公共空間增加,也較能夠達到提高社區生活品質之目的。 本研究依據分析結果對都市更新相關法令提出改進建議,作為政府機關修法之參考,期望藉此能夠提高民間投資者參與都市更新的意願,使都市更新能夠創造「現住戶」、「周遭居民」、「投資者」與「政府」四贏之局面。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the concept of sustainable urban development, urban renewal has become one of the trends in Taiwan developments. Although we have Urban Renewal Act and other related regulations, there are still many difficulties in the practical execution process. Therefore, civil investors have relatively low desire to participate in urban renewal, and it also caused the unsatisfied effects of urban renewal in Taiwan. If there could be a solution to constructively guide and encourage more organizations to participate in it, which will accelerate the speed of urban renewal in Taiwan. In the process of urban renewal, floor area incentive has become a major attraction for which civil investors would be willing to participate in urban renewal. However, it is also an important topic for government to maintain urban living quality and build better public space at the same time that the floor area incentive is granted to the civil investors. This research discovered that in our current urban renewal regulations, there was a lack of clearly defined floor area incentive granting standards to identify and evaluate the participants. This causes questions and controversies in the review process of renewal projects and delays the progress of urban renewal as well as decreasing the desire to participate in renewal projects. Therefore, if the government would like to drive the business of urban renewal more smoothly, each floor area incentive item and standard should be defined more specifically. Moreover, when increasing floor area incentive is used as a method to encourage more participants for renewal projects, negative impacts should be considered in order to maintain the environment quality of renewed areas. This research also found that after the participants strive for the floor area incentive, they would need to increase building height to fulfill the demand if they want to fully and effectively utilize the floor area incentive. However, due to current regulations of constructional height constrains, civil investors can not enjoy the benefits of urban renewal floor area incentive and further caused lower desire to invest in it. Therefore, this research preliminarily believed that there should a need to loosen the building height constrain from current regulations. Also, under the consideration to loosen it, in order to ensure the urban public space and living quality of community, there should be proper measurements taken to be accompanied. As a result, at the same time that this research made a suggestion to loosen building height constrains, decreasing building coverage ratio should be collocated together and appointed the location of set-back wall line of the concerned building, so that the public area can be increased, and it would achieve the ultimate goal of improving living quality in the community. According to the analytic results, this research proposed some improvement suggestions for related regulations of urban renewal acts, so the government administrations can refer to these and hopefully increase the desire of civil investors to participate in urban renewal in order to create the situation where residents, surrounding residents, investors, and government are all satisfied happily.en_US
dc.subjectUrban Renewalen_US
dc.subjectFloor Area Incentiveen_US
dc.subjectBuilding Height Constrainen_US
dc.subjectDecrease Building Coverage Ratioen_US
dc.subjectSet-back Building Wall Lineen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of Floor Area Incentive and Building Height Constraints on Urban Renewalen_US


  1. 051401.pdf
  2. 051402.pdf
  3. 051403.pdf

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