標題: 知識地圖應用於營建知識管理之研究-以施工階段為例
A Study of Knowledge Map in Construction Knowledge Management -An Example in the Construction Phase
作者: 洪素惠
Su-Hui Hung
Shih-Lin Hung
關鍵字: 營建工程;知識地圖;知識管理;心智地圖;IEDF;construction;knowledge map;knowledge management;construction engineering;mind map;IDEF
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 知識管理(Knowledge Management)是近年在國內才新興的觀念,然多盛行於研究單位及電子產業,是為因應其研發技術快速發展及淘汰的特性。由於目前營建產業對於工程經驗與隱性知識尚無法提供一個有效的管理與查詢方式,本研究藉由知識地圖與心智地圖的研究探討,結合營建業之工程專案特性,以營建施工階段為範圍,提出一套建構工程專案型知識地圖步驟法,建立有效管理與查詢知識的方式並作為將來發展知識管理在營建業管理之應用模式。 心智型知識地圖是一個具有創造力與想像力的知識分類表達方式,具有不同的思考與邏輯特色,本研究期望在個人化特色的表達方式下亦建立一個簡單且具效率的思考方向並引導使用者對於心智型知識地圖在思考表達層次上更為清晰。為了有效將工程師個人心中之隱性知識轉換為顯性知識,本研究結合心智地圖與營建工程特性提出工程專案型知識地圖建構法,總共有七大步驟,文中以IDEF流程法輔助說明該知識地圖建構法之相關程序,並導入案例說明建構知識地圖之實際作業法,加強讀者對於本文建構知識地圖過程之了解;本研究採用MindManager套裝軟體進行案例說明分析,該軟體以著名的思考地圖(Mind Mapping)技術為開發基礎,是屬於一種視覺化思考軟體,協助知識提供者組織想法、內容大綱、並且展示說明的知識管理規劃工具,使用者只要經由簡易的操作方式,快速產生、組織、傳播資訊與知識;最後透過問卷調查探討心智型知識地圖在營建施工階段應用之接受度及功能期許,希望透過受訪者了解目前營建產業從業人員對於知識地圖特性之接受度及呈現方式,以作為日後推動心智型知識地圖未來之發展與參考;經由回收有效問卷之統計分析發現心智知識地圖接受度及提供功能上均有甚高之滿意度。
Knowledge management (KM) has become the most critical organizational strategy for enterprises. This research is a pilot study to develop a generic model using knowledge map for knowledge management in construction enterprise, analyzing and discussing its components, pertinent supplementary techniques, and KM implementation status for construction projects. All these problems can be resolved if businesses have the determination to establish organizational culture focusing on team participation and involvement, increase the creating and innovation of organizational knowledge. This research integrates present KM theoretical literature and practical implementation methodologies to develop with a generic model for KM frameworks integrated with knowledge map. The mind knowledge map is a categorized expression way of knowledge that has creativity strength, different thinking, and logic characteristic. In this research, mind map is proposed and integrated in the application of knowledge management in construction. To translate engineer’s personal tacit knowledge to explicit knowledge, proposed approaches regard to knowledge map contain seven steps is presented combining mind map and constructional characteristic. IDEF approach is selected to assist the knowledge map setting steps. Furthermore, mind management software package is selected to analyze the example. Mind manager is thinking software based on mind mapping technology. This software can be applied to organize the idea, content outline, and show the plan tools. Finally, acceptance degree and function probing of mind map on constructional stage for construction industry’s staff member are investigated through questionnaire. From the statistical results of the investigation questionnaire, both the acceptance degree and function probing are very high satisfactory. The effective inquiry and management way for construction knowledge will be developed to a construction industry application model in the future.