標題: 國民小學資訊能力之操作評量試題建置
The Construction of Simulated Performance Assessment Items in Information Literacy of Taiwan Elementary School Students
作者: 陳育豐
Yuh-Feng Chen
Chien Chou
關鍵字: 資訊能力;資訊教育;能力指標;操作評量;information literacy;information technology education;competence indicators;simulated performance assessment
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 資訊操作能力是資訊能力中的一環,有鑑於資訊操作能力的重要但卻評量不易,因此本研究的目的即在尋求操作評量線上檢測的解決方案。 本研究以Macromedia Captivate為試題之發展工具,並根據相關文獻資料與參考專家的意見,針對九年一貫資訊教育議題中操作能力之相關能力指標,設計操作評量試題共28題。配合資料庫的使用,可以紀錄受試者測驗的過程與結果,作為學生學習診斷與教師改進教學策略之參考。利用網路的快速與方便,不但節省許多時間,也降低了操作評量的困難。 研究者同時以任教之五年級學生221人為對象,實施操作評量線上檢測。測驗結束之後,再從所收集的資料中,利用各種統計方法分析試題的優劣與測驗的結果。全體受試者測驗之平均數為102分,通過率為79.70%,屬中上程度。研究結果顯示,試題具有良好的效度,測驗結果也有相當良好的信度。惟因研究對象之同質性高,所得之統計結果僅供本教師教學上之參考,無法推論至其他學校之五年級學生。但本研究之邏輯、模式與精神,足供有興趣之教學者參考。 根據研究結果,建議將操作評量列為線上檢測的項目之一,或針對不同的對象、地區、學校再實施檢測。未來研究可以發展題庫或自學性教材、可以繼續設計第四學習階段之操作評量試題、也可以與學習管理系統結合,做好學習教材與操作評量的有效管理。
The competence of performance on computer operations is an important indication of information technology education; therefore, assessing students’ performance is also an important part of their information technology learning. However, since assessing one’s performance on computer operations is not only difficult for teachers to conduct in classrooms, but also very time-consuming and labor-intensive, seeking easy and efficient ways to conduct assessment becomes a researchable issue. The purpose of this study is to provide a feasible solution for assessing students’ performance on computer operations. The solution includes the development of simulated assessment system and related test items in the Web environment. This study used Macromedia Captivate as the major development tool, and connected the system to a database which kept tracks of students’ test processes and results. Based on Grade 1-9 Information Technology Education Competence Indicators, reviewed literatures, and experts’ opinions, this study designed and developed 28 simulated performance test items for fifth graders. This study invited 221 fifth graders to try this system and test items. The results of the trial were further analyzed, including students’ average scores, the difficulty, discriminability for each item, and the validity and reliability for the whole test. It is found that the system is feasible and easy to use, and the test items are valid and reliable. By taking advantages of the Internet’s convenience and fast speed, this system not only decreases teachers’ difficulties to conduct the assessment, increases the efficiency of test results collection, but also serves as a diagnosis tool for teachers to improve their teaching. Further development of the system and suggestions for future studies were also discussed.


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