標題: 同調耦合彎折抗諧振反射光波導之設計、研製與特性量測
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of ARROW-Based Coherently Coupled Bending Waveguides
作者: 謝昇霖
Sheng-Lin Hsieh
Yang-Tung Huang
關鍵字: 同調耦合;抗諧振;彎折;波導;光;Coherently Coupled;Antiresonant (ARROW);Bending;Waveguide;Optical
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文研究同調耦合彎折抗諧振反射光波導(ARROW)元件的設計、製作與特性量測。利用等效折射係數法(EIM)和多層膜理論(TMM)主要用來設計脊狀抗諧振反射光波導之結構並分析其理論特性。另外使用波束傳輸法(BPM)來設計同調耦合之耦合長度並模擬其傳輸特性。調整脊狀抗諧振反射光波導之寬度和各薄膜之厚度,可求得當寬度為4微米蝕刻深度為0.12微米時,其兩種傳輸模態對應之傳輸損耗分別為0.1673 dB/cm (TE)、4.3448 dB/cm (TM);調整適當總彎折角度使得光訊號得以平移500微米,分別使用總彎折角度4.8度和8度來達成,TE模態對應之歸一能量傳輸效率分別為1.16 dB和1.49 dB,而TM模態對應之歸一能量傳輸效率分別為1.09 dB和1.32 dB。研製出來之元件經過量測得到其傳輸損耗約為理論值的兩倍,而彎折波導之歸一能量傳輸效率則約為理論值的六成。
In this research, we investigate the design and fabrication of ARROW-based coherently coupled bending waveguides. The effective index method and the transfer matrix method are used to design ridge ARROW waveguides and to analyze their characterization. Furthermore, the beam propagation method is used to design the coupling length and to simulate the characterization of coherently coupled bending waveguides. When the width and etching depth are 4 μm and 0.12 μm, the propagation losses of two kinds of fundamental modes are 0.1673 dB/cm (TM) and 4.3448 dB/cm (TM), respectively. The suitable total bending angles were used to shift the propagation light by 500 μm. Total bending angles 4.8∘and 8∘were chosen. The waveguide bending trasnmissions of two kinds of bending angles for TE modes are 1.16 and 1.49 dB, and those of TM modes are 1.09 and 1.32 dB, respectively. Finally, the measured propagation losses of ARROW’s structure are about two times larger than simulation values, and the measured waveguide bending transmission efficiencies were measured about 60% of simulation values.