標題: 適用於MIMO OFDM系統之V-BLAST偵測技術的研究與其改善設計
Investigation of V-BLAST Detection Technique and Its Improvement for MIMO OFDM Systems
作者: 張譽桀
Yu-Chieh Chang
Sau-Gee Chen
關鍵字: 簡化最大可能性技術;V-BLAST
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文討論MIMO-OFDM訊號偵測的相關技術,特別是V-BLAST技術。還有介紹各種關於V-BLAST演算法的變化技術,依效能不同有高複雜度也有低複雜度,我們提出新的MIMO-OFDM訊號偵測演算法首先簡化最大可能性技術(ML)大量的複雜度並結合此簡化之ML技巧和V-BLAST以兼顧複雜度與效能表現。經由複雜度比較和位元錯誤率(BER)效能模擬,結果顯示我們提出的演算法性能比V-BLAST好並且只會增加一小部分的複雜度。
In this thesis, signal detection techniques for MIMO OFDM systems are investigated, particularly the V-BLAST technique. In addition, all the enhanced and modified detection methods based on V-BLAST are studied. Those techniques may have higher or lower complexities than V-BLAST technique, depending on their performance. In order to achieve high-performance detection with low complexities we propose a new detection algorithm by combining a simplified maximum likelihood method with V-BLAST detection. Simulation results and complexity comparisons show the proposed methods achieve better performances than the conventional method at the cost of small complexities.


  1. 169302.pdf

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