标题: 每秒一百亿次取样四位元類比數位与數位類比转换器之设计
Design of 10 GS/s 4-bits ADC and DAC
作者: 黄鼎钧
Ding-Jyun Huang
Hao-Chiao Hong
关键字: 快闪式类比数位转换器;电流式数位类比转换器;高速;传输链;Flash ADC;Current Steering DAC;CML
公开日期: 2006
摘要: 本论文提出利用 TSMC 0.13μm CMOS RF制程实现一4位元 10GS/s类比数位转换器与一4位元 10GS/s数位类比转换器,在数位电路上使用电流式逻辑电路来使整个数位电路操作在较低的摆幅,使电路可以高速下运作,并且有较低的电源抖动量同时有较低的功率消耗,也使用了管线的技巧来解决逻辑闸串接太多级导致延迟时间太长的问题,且在类比前置放大器上使用主动负回授的技巧来使其达到高频宽且较低的消耗功率,同时也在数位电路与类比电路上都使用全差动式的架构来最小化共模杂讯与偶次谐波失真的影响,在电源1.2伏特且时脉10GHz的情形下模拟结果呈现类比数位转换器在输入1GHz时ENOB达到3.87位元,同样的数位类比转换器在输入1GHz 其SNDR与SFDR分别达到25.6dB与36dBc,而类比数位转换器与数位类比转换器的各别消耗功率为225mW与152mW。
This paper presents a 4-bit 10GS/s flash analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and a current steering 4-bit 10GS/s digital-to-analog converter (DAC) are designed and simulated with 0.13µm CMOS RF technology. Digital circuitry achieves low-swing operation by using the current mode logic (CML), which results in higher speed, lower power-ground bounce, as well as less power. Waveform pipeline concept is used to solve the limited latency for the logic gates. Active-feedback technique makes the analog pre-amplifiers achieve higher bandwidth with lower power consumption. Both analog and digital circuits benefit from fully differential architecture which minimizes their common-mode noise and even harmonics. Simulation results show that under a 1.2V supply voltage and operating at 10GHz, the ADC achieves an ENOB of 3.87bits with a 1GHz sinusoidal input. Meanwhile, the DAC has an SNDR of 25.6dB and an SFDR of 36dBc with a similar 1GHz digital stimulus. The ADC and DAC only dissipate 210mW and 142mW respectively.