標題: 適應信標間距的智慧型路由器之無線隨意網路媒體存取控制協定
Intelligent Router-Assisted Power Saving Medium Access Control for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Adaptable Beacon Intervals
作者: 周冠宏
Kuan-Hong Chou
Kai-Ten Feng
關鍵字: 隨意網路;媒體存取控制協定;智慧型路由器;ad hoc networks;MAC protocol;Intelligent Router
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 在無線隨意網路中,電池量是有限的,所以節省電池量一直是個重要的研究議題。在一些舊有的媒體存取控制的協定裡,雖然達到了省功率的效能,但是也浪費了頻寬,包括封包的延遲時間,傳送率等等。那我們提出的智慧型路由器演算法,就是能預測封包經過的下一個節點,在媒體存取控制層,我們利用一塊記憶體去紀錄擇路層的資訊,使我們在媒體存取控制曾就可以把封包快速的送到目的地。並且我們也發現信標間距的大小也會影響功率的消耗,IEEE 802.11 的省電機制,信標間距是固定的,會造成頻寬的浪費,所以我們計算適應性信標間距,計算出我們要的信標間距,不會造成頻寬的浪費,也節省功率的消耗。在配合我們的智慧型路由器演算法,達到省功率,減少延遲時間,節省頻寬等好處。
The limitation on the battery life has been a critical issue for the advancement of the mobile computers. Users encounter unsatisfactory battery power while using their mobile devices, especially on the occasions of transmitting data using the wireless networks. It has been studied that the amount of energy consumed within the mobile devices is signi‾cantly a®ected by the design of the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol within the wireless interface. This thesis presents a Intelligent Router-Assisted (IRouter) power-saving MAC algorithm that achieves energy conservation by predicting the next hopping node within the delivering route. With the assistance of the intelligent routers in the network, the packet delivery between several mobile nodes can be accomplished within the same beacon interval. It has been studied that the duration of the beacon interval is relative to the power consumption. In this thesis, we adjust the duration of the beacon interval in the IRouter scheme to conserve energy, and the concept of adaptable beacon interval is presented. The performance comparison between the proposed IRouter algorithm and the existing MAC protocols is conducted via simulations. It is observed that the IRouter scheme can achieve feasible performance in both energy conservation and routing e±ciency.


  1. 361601.pdf

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