標題: 增益箝制寬頻摻鉺光纖和波導放大器技術之研究
Study on Gain-Clamped Wide-band Erbium-Doped Fiber and Waveguide Amplifiers
作者: 賴國祥
Kuo-Hsiang Lai
祁 甡
Sien Chi
關鍵字: 增益箝制;摻鉺光纖放大器;摻鉺波導放大器;波長多工;S-頻段;光纖布雷格光柵;Gain Clamping;EDFA;EDWA;WDM;S-band;fiber Bragg grating
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 本論文主要在研究寬頻摻鉺光纖和摻鉺波導放大器及增益箝制技術。研究重點在於研發、設計和探討增益箝制寬頻摻鉺光纖放大器與摻鉺波導放大器模組和技術,期望能滿足光放大器應用於光通訊系統之高頻寬、高穩定增益,以及高成本效益之需求。在增益箝制寬頻摻鉺光纖放大器之研究部分,包括以整合摻鉺光纖放大器和半導體光放大器,並以後向光迴路反饋技術,研發涵蓋波長1540奈米到1600奈米(C-頻段和L-頻段)頻段之高增益箝制寬頻光放大器模組;和以多個反向雷射放光飽和技術來同時達成增益平坦和增益箝制之摻鉺光纖放大器模組;以及以摻鉺光纖作為增益媒質的S-頻段(波長1480奈米到1530奈米)迴路雷射模組等之設計原理、架構與實驗的詳細分析探討和驗證。在增益箝制寬頻摻鉺波導放大器之研究方面,則包括以前向光迴路反饋技術和雷射粒子反轉技術,研發增益箝制寬頻摻鉺波導放大器模組;及S-到L-頻段複合式耦合結構之摻鉺波導放大器模組等設計原理和實驗之分析與驗證論述。本研究之光放大模組與增益箝制技術經實驗證明,將有助於促進寬頻摻鉺光纖和波導放大器在寬頻光纖通訊系統之應用與發展,及加速達成國家全光化寬頻通訊網路新紀元之實現。
In this dissertation, we investigated the technologies for the gain-clamped wide-band Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers and Erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers. We proposed the wide band Erbium-doped optical amplifier modules and gain-clamped technologies for the optical amplifier modules to satisfy the requirements, such as a wide bandwidth, a high stable gain and high cost efficiency, of the broadband communication networks. In the research of gain-clamped wide-band Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers, we have proposed and experimentally investigated a C- to L-band gain-clamped optical amplifier module by cascading Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers and semiconductor optical amplifiers and using the backward optical feedback method. A gain-clamping and gain-flattening technique for Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers by the method of multiple backward lasing saturated tones has been also studied and demonstrated experimentally. Furthermore, the application of Erbium-doped fiber has been studied. A S-band fiber ring laser module using double-ring structure and Erbium-doped fiber as gain medium has been presented. In the research of gain-clamped wide-band Erbium-doped waveguide amplifiers, by the means of an optical feedback and the method of clamping the population inversion resulting from forward lasing, we propose a gain-clamped Erbium-doped Waveguide amplifier module. In addition, a S- to C-band optical amplifier module with a coupled-structure has also been proposed. The operation principles and theory of these devices have been illustrated and experimentally evaluated. Through proof of the experiments, these proposed technologies and optical amplifier modules could be effectively used in the broadband communication systems and are helpful to accelerate the development of the broadband communication systems.


  1. 481501.pdf

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