Title: 使用平面加速規及磁場感測器之姿態估測器
Orientation Estimation Using Coplanar Accelerometers and Magnetic Sensors
Authors: 高忠福
Chung-Fu Kao
Tsung-Lin Chen
Keywords: 姿態估測;擴增卡爾曼濾波器;疊代擴增卡爾曼濾波器;慣性量測單元;純加速規式慣性量測單元;螺陀儀;加速規;磁場感測器;Orientation Estimation;Attitude Estimation;Extended Kalman filter;Iterative extended Kalman filter;IMU;Inertial measurement unit;Gyrofree;Gyro;Accelerometers;Magnetometers;EKF;IKF
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 傳統上主要有以下三種方法獲得物體在3 維空間的姿態:(1)利用3 軸陀螺儀量測物
體的角速度,經過一次積分可獲得物體姿態角。(2)使用3 軸加速規及3 軸磁場感測器,
量測物體所受的重力及磁場強度,經由計算可獲得物體的姿態。(3)使用3 軸陀螺儀、3
軸加速規及3 軸磁場感測器配合卡爾曼估測理論求得最佳的姿態估測。以上的3 種方法
獲得比前述(1)(2)法中更精確的姿態,不過卻比方法(2)多裝置3 軸陀螺儀。
gyro-free IMU)以及磁場感測器來獲得物體的姿態。平面式純加速規慣性感測單元有別於
一般純加速規慣性感測單元(gyro-free IMU),所有感測元件皆在同一個平面上,無需複
雜3 維空間的放置及對準,並且可取代昂貴的陀螺儀。並由最後模擬的結果,論文中所
此系統只使用6 顆單軸加速規及2 軸的磁場感測器,即可估測出物體的姿態。
Typically, there are three ways to measure the attitude of an objection in 3D
space, which are (1) 3-axes gyroscopes and a subsequent integral operation, (2)
3-axes linear accelerometers and 3-axes magnetic sensors, (3) 3-axes linear
accelerometers, 3-axes gyroscopes and 3-axes magnetic sensors. There are
problems and constrains in each approach. Particularly, the first approach suffers from
the error accumulation, the second approach suffers from the sensing accuracy and
the third approach achieves the best performance among all at by employing
expensive gyroscopes components.
In this thesis, we present a novel approach using coplanar gyro-free IMU
accompanied with magnetic sensors for the attitude measurement. The coplanar
gyro-free IMU has the advantages that all the employed sensing devices are situated
in the same plane. Furthermore, it measures angular rates without expensive gyro
components. Simulation results indicated that we can obtain 3 orientation angles with
the measurement accuracy in between the second approach and third approach
mentioned above. Moreover, results also suggest that it is possible to use 6 linear
accelerometers and 2-axes magnetic sensors to obtain 3 orientation angles with some
prior information assumed.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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