標題: 設計與製作無莫爾條紋之具方向性背光系統以應用於攜帶型立體影像顯示器
Design and Fabrication of Moir□-Free Dual Directional Backlight System for 3D Mobile Display
作者: 葉耀中
Yao-Chung Yeh
Hang-Ping Shieh
關鍵字: 立體影像顯示器;莫爾條紋;時間多工;方向性背光;3D display;moir□ pattern;time-mulriplexed;directional backlight
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文針對1.8吋立體影像顯示器,設計與製作一個無莫爾條紋之具方向性背光系統。根據前人所提出的溝槽結構,輔以消除莫爾條紋的原理,可得到一組最佳化的背光系統,不但能夠達到完善的光學特性,諸如角度分布,均勻度以及出光效率等等,並且能夠針對現今技術遇到的瓶頸-莫爾條紋,加以改善。另外,並針對時間多工顯示器在電路上遇到的瓶頸提出可行的解決方案,使得一個完整的以時間多工為驅動方式的立體影像顯示器能付諸實現。 在固定溝槽週期的最佳化設計中,搭配30%霧度的擴散片,可以達到87%的均勻度,視角分布在9度到77度之間,視距在7公分到20.52公分。另外驅動電路利用連續掃描兩個同樣畫面的方法以消除兩眼的干擾,同時畫面的更新頻率可以達到47.5赫茲。根據以上所述的設計,一個完整的時間多工立體影像顯示器得已實現。
The moir□-free dual directional backlight system is designed for 1.8 inch 3D mobile phone usage. After analyzed the theory of moir□ effect and optimized the micro-groove structures proposed, a moir□-free dual directional backlight system can be obtained. Furthermore, a driving system designed for solving crosstalk is proposed and demonstrated in this thesis work. The optimized design of fixed groove pitch for lightguides with 30% haze diffuser can reach uniformity of 87%, viewing angle between ±9° and ±77° and viewing distance between 7 cm and 20.52 cm. The double scanning driving scheme can efficiently resolve image crosstalk, and each frame rate can reach 47.5 Hz. Additionally, the color separation is eliminated by the vertical alignment between lightguides and color filter. Based on these performances of lightguides and the improvement of driving scheme, a time-multiplexed display has been demonstrated.


  1. 551701.pdf

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