標題: 設計與製作結合有機電激發光元件及反射式液晶之新型顯示器
Design and Fabrication a Hybrid Display of Organic Electroluminescence Devices and Reflective Liquid Crystal Displays
作者: 許傳偉
Chuan-Wei Hsu
Han-Ping D. Shieh
關鍵字: 反射式液晶顯示器;電激發光;RLCD;Electroluminescence
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本篇論文中提出一結合有機電激發光元件及反射式液晶之新型顯示器,此結合式畫素結構之設計目的為以有機發光二極體做為主動發光元件取代傳統透反射式液晶顯示器中之背光系統。在除去背光模組後,本結合式顯示器會比透反射式液晶顯示器得更加輕薄,此外,有機發光二極體在強環境光中操作之對比度問題可以液晶層將不需要之反射光濾去而獲得改善。本論文所提出之兩種結構設計皆製作出其原型並量測其效能,由實驗之結果可得,結構一與結構二之環境光對比度之增益各可達14.35~19.04與6.14~7.10倍,此結果証實了結合式顯示器在強度不同之環境光下之可讀性。
A novel hybrid pixel structure of organic electroluminescence devices and RLCD is proposed and demonstrated. The hybrid pixel structure is designed to replace the backlight system of conventional transflective display with OLED as the emission component. Without the backlight module, the hybrid display is thinner and lighter than transflective LCDs. Moreover, the contrast ratio of the OLED in bright ambience can be improved by blocking undesired reflection with the modulation of LC layer. Prototypes of two proposed structures were fabricated and measured. From the experimental results, an enhancement of ambience contrast ratio of the emissive mode with gain factors of 14.35~19.04 and 6.14~7.10 for structure 1 and structure 2 were derived respectively, evidently demonstrated the readability of the hybrid display in all kinds of ambience intensity.


  1. 552301.pdf

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