標題: 服務品質、服務價值、滿意度與顧客行為意向關係之研究-以專案管理廠商為例
An investigation of relationship between service quality,value,satisfaction & customer behavior intention - The case of professional construction management
作者: 陳華偉
Hua-Wei Chen
Shyh-Chang Huang
關鍵字: 專案管理;服務品質;服務價值;滿意度;顧客行為意向;Project Management;Service quality;Service value;Satisfaction;Customer behavior intention
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 近年來,國內公共工程委託專案管理廠商的競爭發展已從追求縮短工期、降低成本、提升品質到更進一步的追求全方位顧客滿意。然而,在現階段的專業服務環境下,單是提供完善的服務品質仍是不足的,更重要的是能與顧客建立長期的關係,而此一關係則取決於服務品質、服務價值及滿意度的良窳。良好的服務品質、服務價值及滿意度不但能影響顧客行為意向,對專案管理廠商而言也能藉此取得顧客的終身信任,建立其長期競爭優勢。 本論文藉由問卷調查,其實證分析如下: 1.受訪之承辦人員對專案管理廠商服務的評價普遍不高,且「滿意度」構面具有負面的傾向。 2.「滿意度」對受訪之承辦人員的「顧客行為意向」具有關鍵性的影響,其「服務價值」對受訪之承辦人員的「顧客行為意向」無顯著影響。 因此,「滿意度」成為對各服務單位之承辦人員「顧客行為意向」之關鍵所在,對承辦人員知覺印象的塑造扮演著極其重要的角色,相對於專案管理廠商而言,必須從「服務價值」及「滿意度」兩方面同時進行整體的策略計畫,而非僅著重於「服務品質」或「滿意度」的改善。
The scale,content,construction requirement,technical managementand investment of major public construction works in Taiwan are getting more and more complex.And the construction schedules are more critical than ever. Therefore,construction project management will be an inevitable trend for the public sector to delegate the consultant firm to execute the project management works. Construction project management is a technical-oriented service.In Taiwan, it has been employed by many public entities for construction projects. Furthermore, take the relation model raised by Cronin,Brady and Hult (2000) as the basic research frame,to prove whether construction project management service and develop better model. This study's results had two objectives: 1.The evaluation of the staff for the construction project management service is not good. 2.“Satisfaction”plays the vital role for the subscribers’behavior intention on the issues of whether to use again the construction project management service.


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