標題: 無線微感測網路中安全的能源平衡路由通訊機制
An Energy-Balancing Secure Routing Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks
作者: 劉士豪
Shih-Hao Liu
Shiuh-Pyng Shieh
關鍵字: 能源平衡;安全路由通訊;無線微感測網路;Energy Balance;Secure Routing;Wireless Sensor Networks
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 隨著無線微感測網路的廣泛使用,安全路由通訊協定的重要性也隨之增長。在現有的安全路由通訊協定當中,大部分的路徑選擇方法會選擇對單一路徑能源消耗最少的路徑,但是對整個無線微感測網路來說,這類選擇路徑的方法往往會導致網路中某些感測節點很快的消耗完其極有限的能源。因此,當網路中發生因為路由路徑分布所導致的能源消耗不平均現象時,將會在短時間內降低網路的連結性,甚至使網路呈現非連結的狀態。因此,在本論文中,我們針對無線微感測網路的能源消耗情形,提出了一個新的安全路由通訊協定。此安全路由通訊協定不但提供了資料完整性、資料機密性和鄰居認證機制,更重要的是能夠透過基地台所得到的資訊來調整路由路徑,以平衡每個網路節點的能源消耗,以延長整個網路處於連結狀態的總時間。最後,在本論文中,我們亦依所提出之路由通訊機制,進行無線微感測網路能源消耗及網路連結狀態進行模擬分析。模擬的結果顯示我們所提出的安全路由通訊協定在整個網路在連結狀態的總時間上,比現有的省電安全路由通訊協定多出三至四倍,也比傳統無安全性的低能源路由機制高出十至五十個百分比。
As the number of wireless sensor network applications increase, there is a greater emphasis on designing secure routing protocol. Most recent secure routing protocols tend to find the minimum energy cost path to lower energy usage for all routing paths, thus, they may lead to some of the nodes deplete their energy quickly. When energy consumption cause by routing is unbalanced over the network, the network would loss connectivity even fall apart in a short time. In this paper, we introduce a new secure routing scheme that not only provides data confidentiality, neighbor authentication, and evidence of data freshness but also balances energy consumption of each node using a base station to adjust the routing paths in order to prolong the total time of overall network connectivity. Simulation results show that the total time when network is connected increases 3 to 4 times over our related work of secure routing schemes with minimum energy cost path, and up to 10 to 50% over the related work of the conventional energy aware routing scheme.


  1. 753301.pdf

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