標題: 海運軸輻路網模式規劃貨櫃船航線之研究
Analyses of Marine Hub-and-Spoke Network Models for Routing Containerships
作者: 王賢崙
Hsien-Lun Wong
Shang-Hsing Hsieh
關鍵字: 軸輻路網;軸心港位置問題;集貨港指派;貨櫃船航線;最適貨櫃船型;利潤最大化;Hub-and-Spoke Network;Hub Location Problem;Feeder Port Assignment;Containership Routing;Optimal Containership size;Profit Maximization
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本篇論文應用軸輻路網模式與架構,描述海運貨櫃船隊之航線規劃與型態,包括對軸心港位置問題、集貨港指派問題,及最適船型問題進行分析。對此議題,本文分析的角度,從軸輻路網介紹開始,如何適用於海運系統、最適船型分析、軸心港之條件與選擇、軸輻路網式航線設計、折扣係數模式、演算法應用,到實例說明結束。研究結果顯示,海運軸輻路網模式,能解決航線規劃問題,且能提供航商在軸輻路網航線設計之參考;其次,最適船型與船速模式,釐清船速對問題的影響性,並能提供航商在船舶航行之參考。本研究發現:(1)非完全路網、單一指派,及非嚴格路網是貨櫃船航線的特性,本文模式能納入這些特性,合適地表現出海運系統的全貌。(2)軸心港位置模式能描述航商對軸心港的選擇行為,集貨港指派模式反應出海運接駁的轉運特色。(3)軸輻路網航線規劃的步驟,是針對海運分析上必要而適切的,模式能決策出整體海運系統之最佳化航線。(4)本文另分析貨櫃船之最適船型與船速,以追求利潤最大化為目標,符合經濟學原理,較以往成本最小化模式,更能適切描述航商的決策行為。
This dissertation designs, develops, and implements two satisfactory models to approach the problems, including the hub location, feeder port allocation, and optimal containership size problems. First, a single assignment nonstrict hub location model (SANHL), with heuristic scheme based on the shortest distance rule, is formulated to solve the former two problems. An experimental case based on the Trans-Pacific Routes is presented to illustrate the SANHL model’s formulation and solution methods. The results indicate that the SANHL model is a concave function, exploiting the economies of scale for total profit with respect to the number of hubs. The spoke allocation may change an optimal choice of hub locations. Second, a nonlinear optimal ship size and speed model (NOS) seeking maximal profit is used to solve the containership size problem. An example of the Trans-Pacific Routes is employed to test the NOS model formulation and sensitivity analysis. The results indicate that the NOS model exploits the diseconomies of scale for total profit to the ship speed. This would provide shipowners with a beneficial reference for planning the size and the speed of their containerships. This dissertation contributes to an optimal marine network planning, hub choice behavior, feeder transshipment structure, and economic containership speed. Moreover, it provides new tools for decision makers, port operators and shipowners concerned with hub-and-spoke routing patterns and containership size development.


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