標題: Enhanced Extraction and Efficiency of Blue Light-Emitting Diodes Prepared Using Two-Step-Etched Patterned Sapphire Substrates
作者: Lin, Ray-Ming
Lu, Yuan-Chieh
Yu, Sheng-Fu
Wu, YewChung Sermon
Chiang, Chung-Hao
Hsu, Wen-Ching
Chang, Shoou-Jinn
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
公開日期: 2009
摘要: Using a hot acid wet etching method, we have fabricated two types of patterned sapphire substrates: A pyramidal patterned sapphire substrate (PPSS) and a flat-top patterned sapphire substrate (FTPSS). After placing these samples into an atmospheric pressure metallorganic chemical vapor deposition system, we deposited standard InGaN light-emitting diode (LED) structures onto their surfaces. The crystal quality of these two surfaces was enhanced, as evidenced using X-ray diffraction (the full width at half-maximum decreased from 406.8 arcsec for the conventional sapphire to 356.4 and 349.2 arcsec for the PPSS and FTPSS samples, respectively). The output power of InGaN-based blue LEDs incorporating the PPSS and FTPSS improved to 17.9 and 18.7%, respectively, at 20 mA. (C) 2009 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI:10.1149/1.3231502] All rights reserved.
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/11536/7888
ISSN: 0013-4651
DOI: 10.1149/1.3231502
Volume: 156
Issue: 11
起始頁: H874
結束頁: H876
Appears in Collections:期刊論文


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