標題: 水溶液法選擇性成長一維氧化鋅奈米陣列
Selective Growth of One-Dimensional Zinc Oxide Nano-array
作者: 李紹睿
Shao-Jui Li
Kung-Hwa Wei
關鍵字: 氧化鋅;塊式高分子模板;選擇性成長;水溶液法;PS-b-PEO;ZnO;Block Copolymer;Selective Growth;Aqueous Solution Method;PS-b-PEO
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 本論文以水溶液法在氧化鋅摻雜鋁(ZnO: Al, AZO)基材上,合成出高順向性一維氧化鋅奈米陣列,探討不同合成參數對氧化鋅表面形態的影響,並利用塊式高分子模板達到選擇性成長的目的,提升氧化鋅奈米陣列在穿透度上的表現。 實驗以硝酸鋅與HMT濃度比1:1,反應時間18hrs,合成出高品質與高長寬比之一維氧化鋅奈米陣列。在PS-b-PEO (polystyrene-b-poly (ethylene oxide))基質中,以混入同相高分子的方式加入水溶性高分子PEG (poly (ethylene glycol)),經移除PEG後形成多孔性PS-b-PEO塊式高分子模板材料,將此模板應用於水溶液法長氧化鋅的研究中,取代傳統光阻複雜的曝光顯影,成功地在AZO基材上選擇性成長出一維氧化鋅奈米陣列。而除了選區成長氧化鋅奈米陣列之外,模板材料的導入亦具備侷限氧化鋅成長範圍,將氧化鋅尺度極限控制至48.38±10.50nm。在光學應用上,模板化選擇性成長氧化鋅奈米陣列,能有效提升氧化鋅奈米陣列的穿透率,使氧化鋅不論在太陽能電池及其他光電元件的應用上,具有更高的應用價值。
In this study, the aqueous solution method was employed to synthesize one-dimensional well-aligned ZnO nano-array on Al doped ZnO (AZO) buffer layer, and the influences of reactants concentration on the surface morphology were also investigated. By utilizing the block copolymer templates, the selective growth of the ZnO nano-arraywas achieved, and the transmittance of the ZnO nano-array was also improved. The optimized quality and aspect ratio of ZnO nano-array was obtained while the reactants ratio and reaction time were 1:1 and 18 hrs, respectively. As to the template system, after removing water-soluble PEG from PS-b-PEO matrix, the mixtures of homopolymer and block copolymer formed a porous block copolymer template. The ZnO nano-array was grown at selected area by applying the template system mentioned above instead of the traditional photolithography techniques, In addition, besides the selective growth of ZnO nano-array, the applications of the template was also able to confine the growth area and restrain the diameter on ZnO nano-structure to 48.38±10.50 nm. The transmittance of ZnO nano-array was improved by using the block copolymer template system, and this would be significant result for ZnO nano-array in the applications of solar cell and the other optical devices.


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