標題: 液晶於摩刷聚醯亞胺薄膜上之光致重新配向暨基板溫度對光配向之影響
Photo-realignment of Liquid Crystal on Rubbed Polyimide Filmand the Substrate Temperature Effect on Photo-alignment
作者: 洪國騰
關鍵字: 液晶;聚醯亞胺膜;光致重新配向;溫度效應;liquid crystal;PI;Photo-realignment;Temperature Effect;Nissan RN-1349
公開日期: 2005
摘要: Nissan RN-1349一般是用在光配向的配向劑,本實驗證實Nissan RN-1349於摩刷配向後仍可利用紫外光改變配向方向。
玻璃基板進行光配向時,配向膜會吸收入射光源導致溫度上升,由實驗發現,在實驗之溫度範圍(30 ~ 80°C),液晶的配向參數,如預傾角(pretilt angle)及表面定向強度(surface anchoring strength),並不會受到溫度的影響。
Nissan RN-1349 is usually used as a photoalignment polyimide.In this work we demonstrate that it’s alignment direction can be changed by irradiating polarized UV light after it has been rubbed. We find that if the rubbed substrates have stronger anchoring, the photo-realignment is more difficult to achieve for both preexposed and non-preexposed substrate. Moreover, if the rubbed substrates are exposed to the polarized UV light before assembling, the photo-realignment will be easier to achieve than those without exposing to polarized UV light before assembling.
When the substrates are under exposure, the polyimide may absorb the energy of light and cause a temperature increasing. In this study, we find that the parameters of the liquid crystal samples, such as pretilt angle and anchoring strength, are not infected by the temperature within the study range ,i.e., 30-80°C.


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