標題: p型氮化鋁鎵之歐姆接觸研究
Study of Ohmic Contact to p-type AlGaN
作者: 陳彥偉
Yan-Wei Chen
Wei-I Lee
關鍵字: 氮化鋁鎵;歐姆接觸;傳輸線方法;AlGaN;ohmic contact;TLM
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 氮化物半導體材料已成功應用在光電元件,例如發光二極體, 雷射二極體。藍光可應用在顯示和資料儲存上。高品質的歐姆接觸可以改善元件的電性和光性.但在氮化物材料上要形成高品質的歐姆接觸卻有各式個樣的挑戰。然而,一般來說在缺乏高功函數的金屬和表面電洞濃度難提高的情況下,要做低電阻的歐姆接觸是相當困難。
Gallium nitride (GaN)-based semiconductor materials have been successfully applied to optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) for display and data storage in the blue wavelength region. There are numerous challenges in forming high-quality ohmic contacts to GaN-based materials, which are crucial for improving the electrical and optical performances in the devices. In general, however, fabricating low-resistance ohmic contacts is difficult in the case of p-type GaN due to the absence of metals having a work function larger than that of p-GaN and the difficulty in increasing near-surface hole concentrations.

The research on next-generation LED and high-power LD optoelectronic devices in the ultraviolet (UV) wavelength region below 350 nm has become interesting. In this study, we demonstrated Ohmic contacts to p-type AlGaN using Mg-doped GaN and InGaN as a contact layer. Hope to Utilizing a strained-contact layer to bend band at the surface to enhanced tunneling transport.


  1. 153601.pdf

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