標題: 一個將SCORM文件轉換成適合顯示在行動裝置格式的工具
A tool for transforming SCORM document into a format suitable for displaying on mobile devices
作者: 林家鋒
Shyan-Ming Yuan
關鍵字: 行動裝置;轉換;SCORM;Mobile;transformation
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 目前透過電腦來完成學習的領域變得愈來愈熱門。在此同時,行動學習擴展了資訊教育所涵蓋的範圍。由於對於透過電腦交換使用者的學習歷程、學習資料的技術中,SCORM是被使用最廣泛的。
Nowadays, the field of E-Learning becomes more and more popular. At the same time, M-Learning expand the ability of E-learning. Due to SCORM is the most widespread used technology for exchanging user’s profile and learning resource under E-Learning platform, we will pay close attention to the appliance of SCORM on Mobile devices. In fact, the rule of presentation and navigation do not defined in SCORM specification, it dependents on the learning management server. In this thesis, we major focus on how to adjusting SCORM content in order to overcome the restriction while learning from mobile device. At the same time, we analysis the common cases when reading SCORM base document on Mobile device and design a transformation tool for adapting SCORM documents into Mobile environment.


  1. 351002.pdf

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