Title: 消費者選擇新產品行為之整合模式
An Integrated Model for Consumer’s Choice Behavior of New Product
Authors: 邱榆淨
Chiu Yu-Jing
Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng
Keywords: 消費者選擇行為;偏好;行銷;新產品;Consumer choice behavior;Preference;Marketing;New product
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 在行銷領域中,消費者導向之趨勢是不容忽視的,特別是對於消費性電子產品而言更是顯著。隨著產品生命週期愈來愈短,消費者需求愈是需要被快速的滿足。因此,本研究的目的是提出一整合模式來探討消費者的偏好及決策,並且把消費者的偏好轉化為新產品的行銷策略寓涵,本研究中,新產品的定義是指在台灣市場中處於導入期的新產品。我們以整合模式來探討消費者的偏好、消費者的決策因子以及決策規則,並運用兩個實際案例來驗證我們的整合模式:汽車導航系統及液晶電視。鑒於以往很少有研究提出整合模式,我們的研究成果對於消費者選擇行為提供了一個較全面性的觀點。這些行銷的寓涵在不久的將來,當我們欲擬定實際的行銷策略時,是非常有價值且有用的。
Consumer-oriented trend in marketing is inignorable, particularly for consumer electronic products. As the product life cycle is becoming shorter, consumers’ needs should be met rapidly. The purpose of this study is implementing an integrated model to explore the consumers’ preferences and decisions, and to translate the consumers’ preferences into marketing implications for new products. The definition of new products herein is “embryonic to Taiwan”. We explore consumers’ preference, consumers’ decision factors and decision rules by an integrated model. Two practical cases are used to validate the integrated model: automobile navigation system and LCD-TV. Since few researches are developed on the integrated model, our efforts provide an over-all view into the consumers’ choice behavior. Study implications are valuable and available for proposing practical marketing strategies in the very near future.
Appears in Collections:Thesis