Title: 專為行動裝置設計的網頁調適工具
Web Page Tailoring Tool for Mobile Devices
Authors: 蔡紀暘
Chi-Yang Tsai
Shyan-Ming Yuan
Keywords: 行動裝置;個人化;小螢幕;內容創造;以網路為基礎的;Mobile Devices;Personalize;Small Screen;Content Authoring;Web-based
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 由於行動裝置日益普遍,使用它們上網瀏覽網頁的機會也變得越來越高。然而,絕大多數的網頁都是設計給桌上型電腦看的。當使用行動裝置瀏覽這些頁面時,由於螢幕大小的限制,使用者往往必須一再地捲動畫面,在使用上十分不便。目前雖然有些網站特地為了行動裝置提供一個額外的濃縮版本,然而透過這種作法,網頁開發者就要花費更多的時間來設計與維護同個網站;另外,市面上有些產品則是會將原始網頁的內容重新排版,例如:讓網頁變成長條狀,藉此免去左右捲動的困擾。但是,重新排版過的網頁卻未必能夠讓使用者更快地找到想要的資訊,因為網頁中依舊存在一些不重要的資訊。有鑒於此,本篇論文提出一個網頁調適工具,讓使用者可以透過一般常見的瀏覽器來對網頁做設定。使用者可以根據個人的喜好決定網頁中資訊的去留。留下來的部分還可以進一步地調整它們的先後順序。爾後,再次使用行動裝置瀏覽這些網頁時,就只會看到當初選擇保留下來的那些資訊。
It is not uncommon to browse Web pages via mobile devices because of their popularity today. However, most Web pages were designed for desktop computers that are equipped with big screens. When browsing on the mobile devices, a user might have to scroll up and down all the time to find the information they want simply because of the limited visible area, which is really not user-friendly at all. Although some famous websites have already provided additional condensed version of their content, it would be cumbersome to spend the time on maintaining multiple versions of the same content from the Web developers’ perspective. Besides, some commercial products choose to reformat Web pages to fit the screen width of mobile devices, thereby eliminating the need for horizontal scrolling. However, the result of reformatting Web pages doesn’t necessarily help the user a lot. Since the result page still contains the irrelevant information. On this basis, we propose a system to help users personalize Web pages. For example, a user can determine which blocks of content in a Web page should be retained when he/she browses that page on mobile devices. The sequence of those blocks can also be altered according to individual preferences.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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