標題: 應用在DNS管理之做中學補救教學系統
Building a Learning-by-Doing Remedial Tutoring System for DNS Management
作者: 張晉璿
Chin-Hsuan Chang
Shian-Shyong Tseng
關鍵字: 做中學;知識本體;專家系統;補救教學;分享內容元件參考模型;適性化學習序列;領域名稱伺服系統;Learning-by-Doing;ontology;expert system;remedial tutoring;SCORM;adaptive learning sequences;DNS
公開日期: 2005
摘要: Learning-by-Doing,也就是「做中學」,此種教學方法強調讓學生親自動手去練習,以學好技能。而在此教學方法下,學生在練習的時候所遇到的問題,可能來自於他所需的專業知識不足或是在學習課程上沒有融會貫通,導致在實際練習時,產生學習上的障礙。因此必須透過一個良好補救教學環境來幫助學生解決這些問題。近期由於電腦和網路的普及化,許多的教學方法也都應用在網路學習(E-learning)上,但是E-learning 應用在「做中學」教學方法上仍缺乏適性化的補救系統。所以在這篇論文中,針對於這些問題,我們提出一套方法及系統模型以建構一個適用於「做中學」的適性化補救教學系統。在我們的方法中,我們使用以知識為基礎的方法去找出學生可能發生問題的地方,同時也提出一套演算法(Ontology-based Adaptive Learning Sequences Construction, OALSC algorithm)來產生適性化的學習序列,以幫助學生能夠正確且有效的了解所需的知識,克服在做中學所遇到的學習障礙。在實務上,我們把設計的系統模型應用在學習網域名稱伺服系統(DNS)上。希望透過我們的系統能幫助學習該領域的學習者解決問題。另外只要稍加修改,同樣一套系統開發模式與所發展的技術,應該可以應用到與做中學教學相關的學習領域。
Learning-by-Doing, is a kind of popular teaching and learning methodology which emphasizes that students would learn skills through practicing by themselves. In general, using Learning-by-Doing, students may encounter problems since they probably do not know required domain knowledge or they do not fully understand the contents of the courses. Thus, students often need good remedial tutoring system to help them improve their learning statuses. In recent years, due to the fast development of computer and network technologies, many kinds of teaching and learning methodologies are applied in E-learning. However, according to our observations, we found that most of these systems in Learning-by-Doing lack the adaptive remedial tutoring environments. Therefore, in the thesis, we propose a methodology and system model to build a Learning-by-Doing remedial tutoring system. In this proposed methodology, we use knowledge-based approach to identify students’ problems and propose the algorithm, (Ontology-based Adaptive Learning Sequences Construction, OALSC algorithm), to generate adaptive learning sequences for helping students learn the required knowledge correctly and efficiently to overcome the encountered problems. Besides,the system model is applied in learning Domain Name System (DNS) management. We would like to notice that system model and developed algorithm could be easily adapted to other domains in Learning-by-Doing.

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