標題: 區塊式濾波反投影演算法設計與FPGA實作(II)
Block-based Filtered Backprojection Algorithm Design and Implementation On FPGA (II)
作者: 林坤世
Kun-Shih Lin
Yu-Tai Ching
關鍵字: 濾波反投影;FPGA;Filter Backprojection;FPGA
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 濾波反投影(filtered backprojection)演算法在電腦斷層掃描扮演相當重要的角色,其計算繁瑣及複雜。我們目標設計一個可高度平行化處理的演算法,由於硬體資源不足,無法對整張filtered sinogram做影像重建。因此採用區塊式重建,逐個區塊做影像重建,即為最後結果。經由軟體模擬,模擬結果有大小不同的區塊,我們都得到預期的結果。此論文需參照吳俊緯同學所撰寫的"區塊式濾波反投影演算法設計與實作(I)"。
The filtered backprojection algorithm plays an important role in computational tomography, its calculations are complicated and tedious. All we want to do is to design a highly parallel algorithm to solve the limitations of hardware resources. Because of lack of resources, we take the block-based policy, doing reconstruction block by block. After the final block has been reconstructed, the block-based FBP is done. By implementing the algorithm we design, we have the expected consequences in different block size. You should refer to the thesis “Block-based Filtered Backprojection Algorithm Design and Implementation (I)” written by Chun-Wei Wu.


  1. 361303.pdf

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