Title: B2B網站使用者對網站個人化功能偏好之探討—以研華科技網站為例
A Preliminary Analysis of B2B Website User Preference of Personalization Functions : A Case Study of Advantech Corp.
Authors: 翁士軒
Keywords: B2B網站;電子商務;個人化;科技接受模型;B2B website;e-commerce;personalization;TAM
Issue Date: 2005
Abstract: 網際網路的興起改變了人們的生活,也改變了人們消費的習慣,新的商業模式必須將網路媒介納入,企業可以利用網路的特性,提升服務內容、擴大服務群眾、降低營運費用並且創造差異化。由於網站上資訊不斷地增加,而且每個人對網頁特色的反應都不盡相同,所以網站的個人化就顯得重要。網站的個人化最終會強化客戶的滿意度與忠誠度、增加客戶拜訪網站的頻率而進一步增加交易的機會。因此,本研究以科技接受模型為基礎,以研華科技為對象,使用問卷方式,從消費者角度出發,探討B2B網站使用者對網站個人化功能偏好的差異,試圖找出企業網站最重要的個人化功能。經由文獻探討、網站實際觀察與研華內部討論,設計出問卷,並交由研華利用電子郵件發出問卷通知,選擇性地發放予全球各地與研華友好之客戶(多屬往來時間長、具有忠誠度且非OEM/ODM之客戶),並部分輔以人工電話追蹤方式提高問卷回收率。研究結果發現,顧客的使用動機及人口統計變數(年齡及國籍)均會對顧客對於網站個人化功能的偏好造成影響:有「下載」或「購買」動機的顧客,對網站個人化的功能,有比較高的需求;而年齡較彽的顧客,以及亞洲的顧客,對網站個人化功能的需求亦較高。本研究的結果提供了一個參考,讓有心建立B2B網站個人化的企業,可以先從提升網站個人化購買經驗做起,再加強個人化產品支援,進而再逐步從事其他的網站個人化工程。
Internet has changed people’s lives, as well as their consumption behaviors. New business model needs to take internet into consideration. Enterprise can use internet to improve service, expand customer base, reduce operation cost, and creat differentiation. Due to the flooding information on website and the various responses from customers, website personalization becomes important. Website personalization will enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, increase their visit frequency and, eventually, increase the opportunity of transaction. Therefore, this research is based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), targeted at customers of Advantech Corp., using questionnaire to investigate the relationship between different preference of website personalized functions and different customer characteristics, and trying to find out the most important personalized function. After referring to related literatures, observing industry websites, and brainstorming with Advantech’s stakeholders, a questionnaire was created and then released to Advantech’s global customers, most of them are long term, loyal, and non OEM/ODM customers. In order to increase the response rate, we used telephone call to trace this questionnaire in some area. The research result shows that customers’ motivation and demography have influence on their preference of personalization functions. Younger customers, Asia customers, or customers who have a motivation of “download” or “purchase” have higher request for website personalization. This research provides a reference of priority for enterprises which would like to establish website personalization. They can start from “personalized purchase experience”, “personalized product support”, and then other personalized functions.
Appears in Collections:Thesis