標題: 科技產品涉入程度與消費行為之關聯性研究—以MP3隨身聽之消費族群為例
Investigation of Relationship between Psychological Involvement and Purchasing Behavior on High-technology Products - Using MP3 Player as an Example
作者: 李筱雯
Hsiao-Wen Lee
Ying-Chan Tang
Chiun-Sin Lin
關鍵字: MP3隨身聽;涉入理論;涉入量表;因素分析;集群分析;MP3 player;involvement theory;involvement scales;factor analysis;cluster analysis
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 科技產品不斷推陳出新,消費者的購買行為更是因人而異,而涉入理論合理地解釋為何消費者並非總是以複雜且耗時耗力的決策程序進行購買決策。本研究應用涉入理論於MP3隨身聽這項科技產品,結合Zaichkowsky(1985)、Laurent and Kapferer(1985)、Mittal(1989)等學者之涉入量表並加以修改後,衡量消費者對MP3隨身聽的涉入程度,目的在探究不同涉入程度的消費族群其消費行為間之差異,並描繪不同涉入程度的消費族群特徵。   本研究以網路問卷進行調查。在資料蒐集完成後,以因素分析粹取涉入程度之構念,並進行集群分析,將MP3隨身聽之購買者區分為五大消費族群:積極探索族、貨比三家族、流行愛現族、無關緊要族、衝動購買族。不同的購買族群代表著不同的涉入程度。最後,以卡方檢定驗證不同涉入程度的購買族群,在消費行為和個人特徵上是否有顯著差異。   實證結果顯示不同涉入程度的消費族群,在消費行為變數中則皆無顯著差異;在個人特質變數中的年齡與教育程度存在顯著差異。根據分析結果,MP3隨身聽之購買者可依其涉入程度進行市場區隔。論文最後討論如何應用涉入理論於MP3隨身聽之行銷活動上,並提出具體的行銷建議,供學界及實務界人士參考。
High-technology products keep being innovated, while individual purchasing behaviors are different. The involvement theory reasonably explains why consumers do not always undertake a complex decision process requiring substantial amounts of time and energy while making a consumption decision. The study applied involvement to a high-technology product—MP3 player, combining and revising the involvement scales developed by Zaichkowsky(1985), Laurent and Kapferer(1985) and Mittal(1989) to measure consumers’ involvement. In addition, relevance between purchasing behaviors and purchasing types was examined, and consumers of various purchasing types based on involvement were profiled. The survey was conducted by Internet. After collecting the raw data, Factor Analysis was used to extract the constructs of involvement, and Cluster Analysis was conducted to sort the consumers into five types. They are Information Surfers, Comparison Shoppers, Fashion Chasers, Indifference Shoppers and Impulse Buyers. Different purchasing types represent different involvement levels. Then, Chi-Square Analysis was applied to examine the differences both in the purchasing behaviors and in the individual characteristics among consumers of various purchasing types. The empirical studies indicated that there are significant differences in age and education among consumers of various purchasing types, while there is no significant difference in purchasing behaviors. According to the results, MP3 player consumers could be segmented in terms of their involvement. Finally, the marketing implications of involvement theory were discussed and some valuable strategies were suggested for promoting MP3 players.