DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorWei-Lin Wuen_US
dc.contributor.authorPo-Young Chuen_US
dc.description.abstract在過去的汽車市場相關調查報告中可以看到,調查的對象多半為非初次購車之消費者,調查的主題也以車輛購買的過程、使用情形、保養服務的滿意度、前車的資訊等為主,對於潛在的初次購車族群在購車決定因素上所做的研究可說著墨不多。在NCBS(New car buyer survey)近幾年來的市場研究相關資料顯示,初次購車之消費族群的比例是呈現不斷攀升的情況;且這些初購者族群在購車行為上與增購者或換購者有著明顯的不同,以市場結構來看,初次購車消費族群佔有超過四分之一的消費市場比例,此比例之高是各大車廠在產品銷售上不可忽視的。 本研究的主要目的即在瞭解影響潛在年輕購車族群的關鍵決策因素為何?藉由一般消費者在購買汽車時會重視的關鍵因素加以層級化後,設計出AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process)問卷以調查瞭解初次購車年輕族群的意見,期望透過初次購車年輕族群的角度,分析出影響年輕初購族群購車決策的關鍵因素及其權重,並對整體購車關鍵決策因素權重進行分析研究,也經由不同的人口統計變數,得出各分類族群的特徵,最後經過分析歸納結果,提出結論與建議,供給國內汽車廠商在未來資源配置上及相關行銷策略擬定上的參考。研究結果顯示影響年輕族群於初次購車的關鍵因素如下: 1.六大主層面要素相對權重之差異 「購車成本」為初次購車時最重要的考量因素,第二重要的購車因素為「性能」,第三重要的是「品質與維修」,其餘因素的重要度依次為「汽車外型」、「功能需求」,對於年輕族群來說,「品牌」則是相對最不重要的影響因素。 2. 18 項子因子相對權重之差異 年輕族群於初次購車時最重視的前三大關鍵子因子分別為,購車成本主層面因素中的「車價」、汽車外型主層面因素中的「車種與車體造型」、品質與維修主層面因素中的「故障率」,所占的相對權重為11.6%、10.4%、9.6%,此三項要素所占相對權重的總和已超過30%。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPast survey reports on the automobile market indicate that the participants are mostly non first-time vehicle buyers, and the issues addressed are mostly on the buying procedures, vehicle usage, service satisfaction and information on the last vehicle purchased. Few researches focus on first-time buyers. Recent NCBS (New car buyer surveys) reveal that the proportion of first-time purchases is growing steadily; the purchasing behaviors of first-time buyers are obviously different from those who buy for the second time or change for another new car. According to the market structure, the proportion of first purchase group is greater than a quarter of the entire automobile market.Hence the percentage is so high that no automobile manufacturer should ever ignore. The purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of young consumers' first vehicle purchases by delaminating the factors that general consumers concern about when buying a car. A questionnaire is designed with Analytic Hierarchy process to elicitate young consumers' opinion to analyze the salient determinants of young consumers' first purchase of vehicles. Statistical variables under different populations can reveal the characteristic of each categorized group. At last, by analyzing and generalizing the outcomes, suggestions can be made for domestic automobile companies to effectively limited resources and set related marketing strategies. The results of this study show that the determinants of young consumers' first purchase of vehicles are as follow: 1.Difference of relative weights of six key factors ‘Purchasing cost’ is the most important factor, the second one is ‘performance’, and the third one is ‘quality and services’. The rests are ‘vehicles’ appeal’, and ‘functional demands’. ‘brand’ is the least important factor for young consumers to consider. 2. Difference of relative weights between 18 sub-factors The three major sub-factors that young consumers concern mostly are “vehicles’ price” under the ‘purchasing cost’ category, “classification and modeling of vehicles” under the ‘vehicles’ looks’ category, and “breakdown ratio” under the ‘quality and service’ category; their relative weights are around 11.6%, 10.4%, and 9.6%, respectively. The sum of relative weights for these three sub-factors’ is more than 30%.en_US
dc.subjectyoung consumeren_US
dc.subjectfirst purchaseen_US
dc.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Processen_US
dc.titleDeterminants of Young Consumers’ First Purchase of Vehicles— A Case Study for the Hsinchu Areaen_US