標題: 博士生內外控傾向與指導教授決策風格對知覺師徒功能及學生研究產出之影響
The Effects of Doctoral Student’s Locus of Control and Advisor’s Decision-Making Style on Perceived Mentoring Functions and Student’s Research Productivity
作者: 呂玉玲
關鍵字: 師徒關係;師徒功能;內外控傾向;決策風格;研究產出;博士生;mentor-disciple relationship;mentoring function;locus of control;decision-making style;research productivity;doctoral student
公開日期: 2006
摘要: 本研究目的在探討博士班學生的內外控傾向與其指導教授決策風格對師徒功能、學生對指導教授滿意度以及學生研究產出的影響,本研究採用問卷調查方式搜集資料,共計發出140份問卷,收回79份問卷,回收率達56%,最後有效問卷為72份。 本研究採用多元迴歸分析來進行資料分析,研究發現越傾向內控的學生越積極尋找指導教授;而決策風格越傾向指導型的指導教授其學生知覺整體師徒功能、心理社會功能及職涯發展功能越少,學生對指導教授的滿意度越低;而決策風格越傾向分析型的指導教授其學生知覺整體師徒功能、心理社會功能及職涯發展功能越多,學生對指導教授的滿意度也越高。就學生之研究產出的部份,不管是學生內外控、指導教授決策風格或是學生內外控傾向與教授決策風格之交互作用對研究產出無顯著關係。
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of doctoral students’ locus of control and their advisors’ decision-making styles on their perceived mentoring functions, satisfactions with the advisors, and their research productivities. Questionnaires were used to collect data. One hundred and forty doctoral students were approached for sampling and seventy-nine of them returned the questionnaires, making a return rate of 56%. After seven incomplete questionnaires were excluded, the final sample comprised 72 respondents. This study used multiple regressions to analyze data. The results show that the students who were more internal in their locus of control were more active than the external ones in initiating mentor-disciple relationship. For the advisors whose decision-making styles were more directive, their students would perceive a lower level of mentoring function, social-psychosocial function, career-related function, and satisfaction with the advisors. On the other hand, for the advisors who were more analytic in decision-making style, their students would perceive a higher level of mentoring function, social-psychosocial function, career-related function, and satisfaction with the advisors. The interaction effects of student’s locus of control and advisor’s decision-making style on the perceived mentoring function, satisfaction, and the student’s research productivity were found non-significant.